Healthy Childhood and Socio-Economic Status in Kazakhstan

Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects

The project focuses on analysing the factors that shape a healthy childhood and its relationship with the socio-economic status of parents, such as education or wages, as well as the long-term effects on a healthy childhood.

The project will be conducted at the QIDS Centre for Socio-Economic Research, with Galym Makhmedjanov, PhD in Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France, as supervisor. Research interests: economic demography and social insurance reforms, etc. The research team consists of two national and two foreign researchers Manuel Flores from the OECD and Yolanda Pena-Boquete from AYeconomics with extensive experience on the topic.

Project Supervisor: Makhmedjanov Galym Nabibullaevich, PhD
Research team members:

1) Manuel Flores, PhD in Economics, Research Fellow at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
2) Yolanda Pena-Boquete, PhD in Economics, is co-founder and researcher of AYeconomics, an affiliated unit of the University of Santiago de Compostela and post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean Societies – Italian National Council of Research (CNR).
3) Saginbekova Kamshat Meiramovna, PhD in Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Centre for Socio-Economic Research QIDS
4) Marat Mamaev, M.D., Senior Manager of the Department of Strategy and Improvement of Payment Methods for Medical Services.
