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Current projects


The collection of materials from the international scientific and practical conference presents articles by authors from Istanbul, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Bugulma, Astana, Karaganda, Petropavlovsk, Kostanay, Semey on current issues of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Separate articles touch on the issues of the formation of the Kazakh merchant class, the social identity of the merchants, the charitable and philanthropic activities of merchants. View Fullscreen Сборник Купечество (Word)

Kosshygulov and Sons Confectionery and Gingerbread Factory in Akmolinsk

In the pre-revolutionary years, Akmolinsk (now Astana) was a significant trade center due to its strategic location on the caravan route from Petropavlovsk to Tashkent and Kashgar. Major fairs were held in the city during the autumn and spring seasons. In 1890, two stone shopping arcades were built in the central square, known as “Gostiny Dvor“. One of these was the “Green Rows” owned by the merchant Baimukhambet Kosshygulov.  Figure 1. Baimukhambet Kosshygulov  Reference: Baimukhambet Kosshygulov (born in 1843 (1848) – August 27, 1918): From 1911, he was a first-guild Kazakh merchant, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He began his career with small-scale trade and eventually became one of the wealthiest merchants in the Karaotkel district. Together with his wife, Madina Maksyutova, Baimukhambet had seven children: sons Kurmangali, Mukhammedkali, Uali, Nurmukhambet, Bekmukhambet, Kadyrkey, and daughter Raihan. His sons also engaged in trade, dealing in clothing, fabrics, household chemicals, and groceries.  Baimukhambet was known for his charitable contributions, including donations for the construction of city mosques, though these have not survived to the present day. However, a school for Muslim youth, built with his funds, still stands. His son Kurmangali graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Accounting and Cooperative Studies as an economist in trade, becoming one of the first Kazakhs with a higher economic education in the early 1900s.  Anticipating the future of the automotive industry, Kurmangali devised an extensive plan to build an automobile factory in Akmolinsk. In 1913, he secured a contract with Germany, and German engineers from the Opel company began construction of the factory. However, the outbreak of World War I and subsequently the October Revolution thwarted these plans.    Figure 2. The first automobile in the Kazakh steppe was received by Kurmangali Kosshygulov as the grand prize for winning an automobile race in St. Petersburg. This achievement marked a significant milestone in the history of the region, showcasing the pioneering spirit and the forward-thinking vision of the Kosshygulov family.          The Kosshygulov family thrived in both trade and industry. They expanded their trade routes and secured lucrative deals with Russian merchants, while simultaneously opening numerous production enterprises. These included a brick factory, a leather and wool factory, a soap workshop, and facilities for producing household tools, carts, sleds, and more.During that era, Akmolinsk flourished as a trade hub, exporting flour, leather, wool, and livestock to major markets in Russia, Bukhara, Khiva, and Kokand. Under a substantial loan from the Siberian Bank, Baimukhambet Kosshygulov traveled to Paris to acquire blueprints and equipment for a confectionery and gingerbread factory and learn the intricacies of the confectionery business.      Upon returning home, he initiated the construction of the factory in central Akmolinsk.In 1895, the “Kosshygulov and Sons” confectionery and gingerbread factory opened, becoming Kazakhstan’s first food industry enterprise. Kurmangali Kosshygulov, Baimukhambet’s eldest son, was appointed director, with his brothers Nurmukhambet and Uali serving as deputies and co-owners, also managing a network of shops.       The Akmolinsk gingerbreads became a national pride and brand of the domestic food industry. The factory produced honey, sugar, decorative gingerbreads, cookies, rusks, marshmallows, halva, various types of wrapped chocolates, and candies. Kosshygulov’s gingerbreads gained widespread popularity beyond Kazakhstan and Russia thanks to the high quality of white Akmolinsk flour, considered the best in Eurasia. The diverse product range and high quality earned the company victories at all Russian art and industrial exhibitions. In 1915, the company was honored with the supplier title to His Imperial Majesty’s court.       With the advent of Soviet power, the Kosshygulov family’s properties, including warehouses, houses, and shops, were confiscated. The famous confectionery factory was nationalized in 1929. Later, the factory building housed a printing house and editorial offices of regional newspapers. The building stood until 1973 at the intersection of modern Abay and Respublika Avenues. Today, the site features a monumental sculptural composition dedicated to the victims of the 1932-1933 famine, the R&A Center, and the Tourist Hotel Complex (formerly the Abay Hotel and the House of Life).    Currently, the site of the former Kosshygulov confectionery and gingerbread factory is occupied by the sculptural and artistic composition “1932-1933 жылдардағы ашаршылық құрбандарына тағзым“    (Tribute to the Victims of the 1932-1933 Famine). This monument commemorates the victims of the tragic famine that struck Kazakhstan during those years. The composition is a poignant reminder of the historical events and the people’s resilience affected by the famine.     

Academic Promotion and Remuneration Policies in Private Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan

Project Title: Academic Promotion and Remuneration Policies in Private Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan   Implementation period: May – December 2023   Source of funding: Central Asian Research Centre for Education Innovation and Transformation   Description: Private universities in Kazakhstan operate in an increasingly competitive environment. Today, they are competing not only for talented students, but also for accomplished faculty who can contribute to quality in teaching, research, and service to the community. To recruit and retain talented faculty, private universities are developing new academic career structures and introducing new academic promotion and faculty compensation policies. In many cases, these new policies are based on international best practices and are rarely based on empirical data collected on the ground. This project aims to study academic career systems in private universities in Kazakhstan. In particular, it endeavours to construct a contextual and detailed understanding of how teachers working in private universities in Kazakhstan understand changing academic career systems and how their perceptions of these changes affect their academic performance and professional identity.

Research Capacity Development in Teacher Education in Kazakhstan

Project title: Research Capacity Development in Teacher Education in Kazakhstan   Years: 2023-2025   Funder: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant No. АР19576588   Focus area: teacher education, research pedagogy, research capacity development, research methods, higher education   Description: This project addresses the issue of research capacity development in teacher education in Kazakhstan. The project aims to examine the role of research methods courses at the Bachelor and Master levels in building future teachers’ research capacity in the methodology of educational research. More specifically, we focus on developing an understanding of how research methods courses in teacher education are developed at universities in Kazakhstan, what challenges faculty encounter in teaching research methods courses and how they cope with these challenges, as well as how undergraduate and graduate students in teacher education assess the value of research methods courses for their future academic and professional work.   Research team: Principal Investigator: Gulfiya Kuchumova, PhD, ORCID 0000-0002-0645-6928, Co-Principal Investigator: Dinara Mukhamejanova, PhD, ORCID 0000-0002-1177-4840, Researcher: Maira Zhaksybay, PhD Candidate, ORCID 0000-0002-4120-8030, Researcher: Aliya Sarsenbayeva, MA in Educational Leadership, ORCID 0000-0002-2799-9016,   Deliverables: Conference: 1st Central Asia Higher Education Conference. Presentation: Mitigating Challenges in Designing and Running Research Methods (RM) Courses. Presenters: Sarsenbayeva A. & Zhaksybay M. February 01 – 02, 2024, KIMEP University. Journal article: Sarsenbayeva, A., Mukhamejanovа, D., Kuchumova, G., & Zhaksybay, M. (2024). Research-oriented teacher education in Kazakhstan: Policy documents and literature analysis. Bulletin of Abai KAZNPU. Series of Pedagogical Sciences, 83(3), 5 – 14. DOI: 51889/2959-5762.2024.83.3.001

Cultural Environment of the Historical City: Transformation of Kazakhstan Urban Space at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

The scientific project ‘Cultural environment of the historical city: transformation of the Kazakh urban space of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries’ is implemented within the framework of grant financing of fundamental and applied scientific research on scientific projects for 2020-2022 years of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (priority direction – Scientific bases of ‘Mangilik el’ (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of humanities). The project aims to study the history of the urban environment and its influence on the realisation of human and social possibilities, as well as to interpret the socio-cultural character of the historical city, which transmits new meanings, values and experiences necessary in the modern world. The aim of the project is to study the peculiarities of formation and functioning of the cultural environment of the cities of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, as well as the processes of interaction and mutual influence of the city, society and transformation into new models of socio-cultural relationships, which determined the image of the cities of Kazakhstan in various aspects of life of both society and the state. The project has the following objectives: 1. Analysis of existing concepts of urban studies and systematisation of historiography; 2. Studying the main stages of the genesis of the city and urban environment in Kazakhstan, identifying the levels of impact of the geographical factor and civilisational features of regional development on urban space in the conditions of active colonisation of the region; 3. Study of the factors of influence of urban space on the development of social groups and institutions, namely on their formation, processes of adaptation to the urban environment; 4. Consideration of the possibility of applying historical socio-cultural experience in solving modern problems of the city. The duration for the project is 27 months from November 2020 to December 2022. Expected and achieved results for 2021 № Expected outcomes Achieved results 1 To be written and published: one article in the conference proceedings 2 articles published in the collection of the international scientific-practical conference 2 8 articles in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with non-zero impact factor recommended by the CQSE of the Ministry of Education of RK 3 articles have been published and 5 articles are in press (to be published in issue 4 of 2021 and issue 1 of 2022). 3 One article in publications with a non-zero impact factor with a CiteScore percentile in Scopus of at least 35 1 article was published in a peer-reviewed foreign scientific publication with a non-zero impact factor ‘Former Years’, which has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of 88 4 Four (4) lectures and expert meetings will be organised and held On 14 May, 23 June, 21 July and 25 August 2021, 4 online lectures and expert zoom meetings were held on the topic of the project 5 A theoretical part of a collective monograph will be written The theoretical part of the monograph will be written (2 p.l.) 6 A preliminary, draft version of 3D-reconstruction and maps of Kazakhstani cities will be created the following activities were carried out to create 3D-reconstructions and maps of Kazakhstani cities: 1) collected material, charts, plans and maps of cities of Northern and Southern Kazakhstan; 2) 2 cities with the most complete visual representations, the most maps and plans were selected; 3) A contract and technical specification has been concluded with the implementing organisation for the creation of 3D reconstruction and city maps; 4) expert historians of the research team are consulted with IT specialists; 5) a web mapping service has been initiated to place and link 3D models of historical sites and buildings to the web map. Study results (publications): According to the project of ME RK for 2021 is fulfilled: Calendar Section No. 2. Approbation of preliminary results of the research, writing publications on the research topic: 3 articles were published in domestic and equivalent editions recommended by CQASE ME RK: 1. Sultangazy G.Zh. City and intellectuals of the turn of XIX-XX centuries (historiographical aspect”) // Bulletin of ENU. Historical Series. – 2021. — №1. – P.107-119. DOI: 2.Sultangazy G.Zh. The Political Environment of the Cities of Northern Kazakhstan at the Cusp of the 19th–20th Centuries // Izvestiya Altai State University. Historical Sciences and Archaeology Series. — 2021. — №4. DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)6-07. 3. Nurbayev Zh.Ye., Nurbayeva S.B. (2021). Urban realm and temple construction of the Russian Orthodox Church on the cusp of 19th and 20th centuries (based on photographic documents of Kostanay city). Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2021. (3(55)). 32-42. Calendar section No. 2.1. Preparing and writing articles for publication in international highly rated scientific publications: The article ‘Social Transformation of the Siberian Cossackdom within the Formation of the Urban Area of Northern Kazakhstan on the Cusp of the XIX-XX centuries’ (Zhaslan Ye. Nurbayev, Gulmira Zh. Sultangazy, Lepuda K. Mukatayeva) was published in the 2nd June issue of the peer-reviewed foreign scientific publication with non-zero impact factor ‘Bylye Gody’ with CiteScore percentile in Scopus 88 // Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(2): 850-860. DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.2.850. Access mode: Calendar section No. 2.2. Participation in conferences, other scientific events of international level, including in the Russian Federation: Members of the research group took part in international scientific-practical conferences, according to the results of which 2 articles were published in conference proceedings: 1. Nurbaev J.E., Isenov O.I., Nurbaeva S.B. Qazіrgі kezezezgі kórnekі derek kózderdі zertteýdіń teorııalyq-tarıhnamalyq negіzderі / ‘Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy Táýelsіzdіzdіgіne 30 jyl: tarıhı baǵdary, damý belesterі jáne bolashaǵy’ XVIII Halyqaralyq Eurasia ǵylymı forumsń materıaldary. Volume III. Nur-Sultan: ENU named after L.N. Gumilev , 2021. – 557. (p.146-150). 2. Mýkataeva L.K., Sýltangazy G.J. Goroda stepnogo kraıa rýbeja XIX-XX vekov: voznıknovenıe, razvıtıe, fýnktsıı / «Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy Táýelsіzdіgіne 30 jyl: tarıhı baǵdary, damý belesterі jáne bolashaǵy» XVIII Halyqaralyq Eýrazııa ǵylymı forýmynyń materıaldary. II tom. Nur-Sultan: ENU named after L.N. Gýmılev, 2021. – 557 p. (p.497-500). Foreign scientist Stas I.N. participated in 2 international scientific conferences held in the Russian Federation: 1. 21 September 2021 with a report on ‘Theory and practice of urbanisation in the post-Soviet space (the case of Kazakhstan)’ spoke at the VIII International Siberian Historical Forum ‘200 years of Yenisei province and 120 years of Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organisation “Russian Geographical Society”; 2. 14-16 October 2021 participated in the International Scientific Conference ‘The Space of Great Experiments’ in Tobolsk with a paper on ‘Discussions on false urbanisation’.

Textbook ‘General Administrative Law of the RK’

The textbook will be based on European doctrinal approaches to the understanding and content of modern administrative law, which will be harmonised with the provisions of the Constitution of the RK, national legislative acts, as well as law enforcement activities of public authorities of the RK. The textbook will pay great attention to practical issues faced by the subjects of administrative-legal relations.

Textbook ‘Administrative Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan’

The textbook will be the first educational product of its kind, which will disclose the main issues of organisation and implementation of administrative proceedings in the RK. Readers will be offered answers to questions related to determining the jurisdiction of administrative courts, types of administrative claims, and the procedure for their consideration by administrative courts. In addition, the textbook will emphasise the practices of administrative courts in other countries.  

Police Reform

CONCEPT for modernising the institution of neighbourhood police inspectors and strengthening the prevention of offences Authors: Narikbaev T.M., Pen S.G., Orazbayeva A.A., Sokurova E.Zh. The Concept of modernisation of the institute of district police inspectors and strengthening the work on prevention of offences (hereinafter – the Concept) is developed on the initiative of KAZGUU to provide institutional and scientific support for the modernisation of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main emphasis in the Concept is placed on the institution of neighbourhood inspectors, as according to the authors, this category of police officers is a system-forming element in the relations between the police and society. The shortcomings and inefficiency of the existing system of organisation of their activities, according to the authors of the Concept, is the main reason for the lack of qualitatively new positive results in combating crime and the creation of the so-called ‘service model’ of the police.

Jean Monnet Project: «Privacy Protection: the European Union Perspective»

Project Objective   The Erasmus+ programme operates the Jean Monnet Project, which was named after one of the founding fathers of the European Union, Jean Monnet. The aim of the Jean Monnet project is to improve the professional level and quality of teaching in higher education institutions, to promote the research work of young scholars (PhDs with a degree in European Law), and to disseminate knowledge in the field of European integration. The project implementation is supported in the form of grant funding.   The application procedure for the competition can be found on the website of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA).   Project Description   The main objective of the project ‘Privacy Protection: the European Union Perspective’ is to distribution promotion European Union values on data protection and the right to private life. The course programme was developed taking into account the digitalisation in all areas of society, the constant development of technical means, the active development of mass surveillance programmes, the presence of constant cyber threats and the interception of personal data. This course is designed for 3rd year students (40 hours per academic year).   The curriculum aims to develop skills in legal analysis and discussion of alternative possibilities for regulating the issue under study. The course objectives also include studying the history of the development for relevant rights, identifying European experience in developing standards for the protection of privacy and personal data, examining the principles of human rights protection in the online environment, reviewing Kazakhstan’s experience in the protection of personal data and privacy, identifying the prospects for the development of Kazakhstan’s legislation in accordance with international standards.   One of the priorities of the Jean Monnet Modules project is the effective interaction with practitioners and experts, law enforcement authorities, non-governmental sector in order to disseminate the European experience in the field of personal data and privacy protection.   Contest results   Following a competitive selection process for the Jean Monnet Module category, the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) received 905 project applications, of which 122 were selected. Among them, the project ‘Privacy: The European Experience’ of the KAZGUU University named after M.S. Narikbayev. The project proposal was prepared by two experts of the Chair of International Law with the support of the project office of the Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences named after S. Zimanov. In general, only 5 universities in Kazakhstan will receive funding, for details on the procedure and the results of the selection, please see the website:   Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency:   Erasmus + in Kazakhstan:   Evaluation criteria scores max. score PROJECT RELEVANCE 25 25 DRAFTING QUALITY AND IMPLEMENTATION 24 25 QUALITY OF TEAMWORK ON THE PROJECT 24 25 IMPACT AND DISTRIBUTION 24 25 FINAL CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION 97 100   The quality of the project plan and the stages of the project were judged to be of a high standard, due to the fact that the aims and relevance of the project fully fulfil the requirements stated within the Jean Monnet module. The work programme presented by the project participants allowed to fully obtain detailed information on the objectives, content of the project, expected results aimed at improving teaching and research activities. The presented course ‘Privacy: The European Experience’ is relevant, contains innovative teaching methods, and focuses on the challenges of EU law enforcement practice.   Project Objectives   A number of activities are included in the Jean Monnet project implementation programme: Teaching the course ‘International Standards for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Data: EU Experience’. This course is designed for undergraduates (40 hours per academic year). Conducting guest lectures with the participation of experts from the Delegation of the European Union in Kazakhstan in order to gain experience from the practice of legal regulation of personal data protection and privacy issues in the EU. Organising and holding round tables with the participation of a wide range of participants from the academic community, non-governmental organisations, law enforcement officials, government agencies and others involved in the study of issues related to the right to privacy. Holding an essay competition among students on the theme: ‘Privacy in the digital age’.   Project implementation period:3 years Teaching Event Deadline The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table No. 1 § Essay competition among students 2018 II semester The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table № 2 § Essay competition among students 2019 г. II semester The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table № 3 § Essay competition among students 2020 г. II semester   More information about the Jean Monnet project:

Socio-psychological peculiarities of perception of external and internal migrants by the host society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan   Field of Science: Social Sciences. Psychology and the cognitive sciences. Social Psychology.   Description: Global changes taking place in the world and in the country aggravate the economic situation of people who are forced to change their place of residence for socio-economic and political reasons in search of better living conditions. At the same time, people moving to another city or country face the fact that the residents of the host country disapprove of migrants because they see them as a threat to personal and national security. The implementation of the project will allow to study the socio-psychological features of migrants’ perception, including the substantiation of recommendations aimed at reducing xenophobia in society and the formation of a tolerant attitude towards migrants through the implementation of steps aimed at forming a benevolent attitude towards migrants.

ELEMENTA Encyclopedia of Civilization Doctrines

The end result of legal scholarship should be doctrines set out in a systematic and accessible manner, regardless of their complexity. The ideal product of the legal theorist’s work should be the publication of a manual that could lie on the desk of every judge, every practising lawyer, where any doctrine, any notion would be defined, described and explained simply enough for quick understanding by a person with a basic legal education.   ELEMENTA (beginnings of private law) will be formed according to the following principle:   There must be some number of fundamental doctrines of private law. These doctrines should be selected on the basis of relevance to judicial and arbitral practice, should be common to the entire continental family of legal systems or to the majority of them.   These doctrines should be indexed, scientifically, extensively and accessibly commented upon, but not in a textbook style, but in a manner suitable for practical argumentation in court.   The selection of doctrines should be based on the study of judicial and arbitration practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Codes of the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany as the most historically important and influential modern codifications of private law, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as the most influential cultural neighbor of our country, the Digesta Justiniana as the theoretical foundation of modern civilistics in its most complete codification, the Institutions of Gaius as a form of classical Roman jurisprudence.   These same sources, along with scholarly commentaries on them, academic literature from Kazakhstan, France, Germany, Russia, medieval glosses to the Corpus Iuris Civilis, doctrinal works and judicial precedents from England and the United States, should serve as the basis for the development of ELEMENTA. The doctrines and precedents of Anglo-Saxon legal systems are able to clarify many aspects of Romano-Germanic legal institutions through comparative analysis, indicating which logic led to such different theoretical and practical solutions.   The project involves active cooperation with civilists from other countries and work using comparative jurisprudence methods.   The scheme of the ELEMENTA statement is proposed to be institutional: persons, things, obligations. A “General Provisions” section may be added.   Shaykenov Arman, a lawyer with extensive practical experience, experience in teaching civil law and a specialist in Roman law, was assigned to lead the project.

Completed projects

“Elaboration of the Strategy for the Development of the System of Private Enforcement of Court Acts”

Project: Justice Sector Institutional Strengthening Project   Drafting a Development Strategy for the system of private enforcement of judicial acts   RFP No.: KZJSISP/QCBS-14   Document: Strategy for the development of private enforcement in the Republic of Kazakhstan   Date of report: August 2020   Drafted/submitted by: Jos Uitdehaag (team leader and senior expert) Zlatislava Mihailova (senior expert) Sergey Pen (senior expert)

Healthy Childhood and Socio-Economic Status in Kazakhstan

Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects The project focuses on analysing the factors that shape a healthy childhood and its relationship with the socio-economic status of parents, such as education or wages, as well as the long-term effects on a healthy childhood. The project will be conducted at the QIDS Centre for Socio-Economic Research, with Galym Makhmedjanov, PhD in Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France, as supervisor. Research interests: economic demography and social insurance reforms, etc. The research team consists of two national and two foreign researchers Manuel Flores from the OECD and Yolanda Pena-Boquete from AYeconomics with extensive experience on the topic. Project Supervisor: Makhmedjanov Galym Nabibullaevich, PhD Research team members: 1) Manuel Flores, PhD in Economics, Research Fellow at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 2) Yolanda Pena-Boquete, PhD in Economics, is co-founder and researcher of AYeconomics, an affiliated unit of the University of Santiago de Compostela and post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean Societies – Italian National Council of Research (CNR). 3) Saginbekova Kamshat Meiramovna, PhD in Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Centre for Socio-Economic Research QIDS 4) Marat Mamaev, M.D., Senior Manager of the Department of Strategy and Improvement of Payment Methods for Medical Services.

AMA REMC – Law direction

AMA Academic Methodological Association – Law direction The activities of the AMA have been transformed into a Project Office The project office – “Quality legal education” was created on the basis of the protocol decision of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the transition of the activities of the educational educational institution in the direction of “Law” to a new format of work. Our motto is ‘Justice must be strong and strength must be fair’ Blaise Pascal The Project Management Group (PMG) is a team of representatives of higher education institutions and law faculties – members of the AMA, employers – national and international law firms and companies and Employers’ Associations. The PMG is responsible for facilitating the achievement of overall project goals and specific results of the team, managing the processes of development, planning, implementation and adjustment of projects, in accordance with the methodology and using project management tools. The work of the State Unitary Enterprise will be carried out in the following areas: Educational Programme Portfolio Development. ‘Implementation the principles of academic integrity through fair practices, credit technology learning standards and global practices to counter academic dishonesty’ Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications. Establishment of a centre for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel. Career and employment Textbooks with updated content The work of the project group ‘’ Educational Programme Portfolio Development‘’ will be aimed at developing a portfolio of educational programmes at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, taking into account the recommendations of employers (IT-competencies, practice-oriented, legal writing techniques, professional practice, etc.) with the involvement of practitioners – representatives of authorised bodies, leading foreign and domestic companies, development of additional educational programmes and minor. The project group “Implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and global practices in combating academic dishonesty” is working to introduce the values ​​and principles of academic integrity based on the recommendations of the League of Academic Integrity into the educational process and into the research activities of the facultyuniversity through various tools, improving the internal system for ensuring the quality of education by introducing the principles of horizontal management and ensuring transparency, collegial decisions based on academic integrity, recommendations of the League of Academic Integrity on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic activities. The project group “Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditation and certification” is promoting issues of external assessment of students’ skills and competencies based on employer ratings, issues of professional standards and industry qualification frameworks, the introduction of national certification of legal personnel with an objective assessment of the competencies and qualifications of specialists market of professional legal services. The project group “Creation of a center for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel” is working to train young teachers with little work experience through the institute of internship, advanced training and training and retraining of legal personnel. The project group “Career and Employment”, based on the recommendations of the Council of Employers, is working on issues related to analyzing the percentage of employment of graduates in EP, monitoring the employment of graduates for six months, a year and three years after completion of training, holding “Career Days” events, concluding agreements with Employer Associations . The project group “Textbooks with updated content” conducts an analysis of the provision of universities with textbooks and educational and methodological literature, including by language of instruction and year of issue, formation of requirements for the development of textbooks and educational and methodological literature (structure, volume and technical part, etc. ), formation of a thematic plan of publications, necessary textbooks and educational and methodological literature in the field of “Law”, compiling a database of developers and teams of authors for the development of textbooks and educational and methodological literature. State Unitary Enterprise – Educational Programme Portfolio Development Bektibayeva Olga Sergeevna – PhD, Director of Law School, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Moroz Svetlana Pavlovna – Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of Law School, Caspian Public University; 4. Kazieva Gulzhaukhar Tursynkhanovna – Associate Professor at the School of Law and Public Administration, NARHOZ University; 5. Veselskaya Natalia Romanovna-Head of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz; 6. Ibragimova Flura Galimovna – Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Alikhan Bokeikhan University; 7. Nazken Zhamaladin Sagidullaevna – Director of Legal Policy Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan 8. Natalia Vladimirovna Sidorova – Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Law Faculty of E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University; 9. Tokmurzina Dana Aitmagambetovna – Managing Partner of Fortune Partners LLP 10. Daumov Samat Bolatovich – Managing Partner of GRATA International in Kazakhstan. State Unitary Enterprise – “Implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and world practices in combating academic dishonesty” Pen Sergey Gennadievich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Chairman of AMA, Provost MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Makhanbaeva Nurgul Nurlanovna – Head of Office of the League of Academic Integrity; 4. Alibayeva Gulnar Aytchanovna – Doctor of Law Professor Pro-Rector for Research and International Relations Kunayev University; 5. Akhmetov Kadyr Abilzhanovich – Doctor of Science (PhD) Professor Pro-Rector for Educational and Scientific Affairs Eurasian Humanities Institute; 6. Imanov Kairat Serikbaevich – senior lecturer of the department ‘Legal disciplines’ of the North-Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybaev. 7. Yakov Mikhailovich Voronkov – Quality assurance office MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY State Unitary Enterprise – Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications 1. Pen Sergey Gennadyevich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Chairman of UMO, Provost MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY; 2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Bektibayeva Olga Sergeevna – PhD, Director of Graduate School of Education MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY 4. Sharipov Dilfariz – EY Law Firm 5. Tukiev Aslan Sultanovich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Chairman of the Business Council (Employers’ Council) MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY 6. Skakov Anuarbek Adylbekovich – Chairman of the Chamber of Legal Consultants of Nur-Sultan; 7. Mukhamedyarov Amanzhol Nurlanovich – Advocate of the Astana Collegium of Advocates 8. Sofia Sailauovna Zhylkaydarova – Managing Partner of SIGNUM Law Firm, member of the Managing Council of the Chamber of Legal Consultants ‘Kazakhstan Bar Association’. State Unitary Enterprise – Establishment of a centre for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel. 1. Esther Levonovna Babajanyan – Head of Legal Clinic Project Manager MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY 2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Nogaybay Zangar Maksutovich – Executive Director of the Association ‘KAZENERGY’; 3. Bukhaeva Anar Argyngazynovna- Head of the Department of Jurisprudence of Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetov 4. Sergey Sizintsev – Executive Director of De Facto Law Firm. 5. Utebekov Dzhokhar Nurgazizovich — lawyer of the Almaty City Bar Association 6. Zhanabilova Assel Bulatkazievna – Chairman of the Republican Notary Chamber 7. Ekaterina Nurperzentova – Director of the Tax Disputes Group at the International Law Firm Olympex Advisors State Unitary Enterprise – Career and Employment Utegen Dana — Deputy Director of the Law School, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY 2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Ryspekova Gulnar Orazovna — Executive Director of the Republican Notary Chamber; 4. Krushinskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, Eurasian Humanitarian Institute; 5. Tokmurzin Rasul – Legal Director of Talan Towers Law Firm; 6. Sagiev Adilet- EY Law Firm 7. Aliya Balykbaeva – Senior Manager of the Department of Human Resources and Professional Development at EY Kazakhstan LLP; 8. Kaldybaev Askar Kuralbaevich – Candidate of Law, Executive Director of the Atameken Arbitration Center; State Unitary Enterprise – Textbooks with updated content Sergey Vyacheslavovich Sayapin -Doctor of Law, Professor, School of Law, KIMEP University-. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator 3. Ibraeva Alua Salamatovna — Doctor of Law, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 4. Omarov Ibrahim Aliaskarovich – Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of the Central Kazakhstan Academy; 5. Ahmadi M.A. – Vice Provost for Scientific Activities and Research at MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY; 6. Abdijami Aitugan Zhumakhmetovna – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Labor Law of the E.A.Buketov KarSU 7. Tlepina Sholpan Valeryevna – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of International Law of the ENU named after L.N.Gumilev; 8. Rustam Atajanov – Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor of Public and International Law, KIMEP University School of Law. 9. Baymurat Sagidolla – LLM Master, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY AMA Plan Law Structure of AMA State Unitary Enterprise News

Seminar on implementation of Agile methodology in diploma project management

October 13, 2016. MNU with the support of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Kazakhstan for coordinators of educational programmes, academic supervisors and other members of the Scrum teams being created held a seminar on the introduction of Agile methodology in diploma project management. During the introductory part of the seminar, Michael Adams, Consulting Services Director at PwC Kazakhstan, explained the content and importance of the Agile methodology in project management. As Michael pointed out, the main advantage of Agile is the ability to respond quickly to changes in practice and the high quality of the results obtained. In the main part of the seminar, the Deputy Chairman of the Board – Director of the Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences named after S. Zimanov – Miras Daulenov explained the need to introduce Agile methodology in the management of diploma projects at KAZGUU. The main solutions required to be applied with respect to qualitative formation of a portfolio of thesis project topics, preparation of project terms of reference, correct determination of project quality indicators, creation of Scrum teams and organisation of Scrum discussions were also explained. In his turn, Sergey Pen, Director of Law School, revealed the methodology of preparing research cases aimed at developing students’ analytical and critical thinking skills. At the same time, Sergey Gennadyevich noted the need for students to obtain such skills as a condition for the formation of a graduate model of KAZGUU University. In the final part of the seminar, the teachers were able to ask questions and use their examples to show the necessity of teamwork in the process of preparing thesis projects.

Joint EU-Council of Europe Programme

The joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe ‘Supporting the Kazakh authorities in improving the quality and efficiency of the justice system’ aims to improve Kazakhstan’s criminal justice system and institutional practices and bring them in line with international standards and to support the authorities in their efforts to improve the justice system. This programme started on 25 July 2014 and will end on 24 July 2018. Its main target groups are the Supreme Court, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Academy of Justice, the Academy of Law Enforcement, the Academy of Justice, the Ministry of Justice and others.

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project: «Privacy Protection: the European Union Perspective»

Project Objective The Erasmus+ programme operates the Jean Monnet Project, which was named after one of the founding fathers of the European Union, Jean Monnet. The aim of the Jean Monnet project is to improve the professional level and quality of teaching in higher education institutions, to promote the research work of young scholars (PhDs with a degree in European Law), and to disseminate knowledge in the field of European integration. The project implementation is supported in the form of grant funding. The application procedure for the competition can be found on the website of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA). Project Description The main objective of the project ‘Privacy Protection: the European Union Perspective’ is to distribution promotion European Union values on data protection and the right to private life. The course programme was developed taking into account the digitalisation in all areas of society, the constant development of technical means, the active development of mass surveillance programmes, the presence of constant cyber threats and the interception of personal data. This course is designed for 3rd year students (40 hours per academic year). The curriculum aims to develop skills in legal analysis and discussion of alternative possibilities for regulating the issue under study. The course objectives also include studying the history of the development for relevant rights, identifying European experience in developing standards for the protection of privacy and personal data, examining the principles of human rights protection in the online environment, reviewing Kazakhstan’s experience in the protection of personal data and privacy, identifying the prospects for the development of Kazakhstan’s legislation in accordance with international standards. One of the priorities of the Jean Monnet Modules project is the effective interaction with practitioners and experts, law enforcement authorities, non-governmental sector in order to disseminate the European experience in the field of personal data and privacy protection. Contest results Following a competitive selection process for the Jean Monnet Module category, the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) received 905 project applications, of which 122 were selected. Among them, the project ‘Privacy: The European Experience’ of the KAZGUU University named after M.S. Narikbayev. The project proposal was prepared by two experts of the Chair of International Law with the support of the project office of the Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences named after S. Zimanov. In general, only 5 universities in Kazakhstan will receive funding, for details on the procedure and the results of the selection, please see the website: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency: Erasmus + in Kazakhstan: Evaluation criteria scores max. score PROJECT RELEVANCE 25 25 DRAFTING QUALITY AND IMPLEMENTATION 24 25 QUALITY OF TEAMWORK ON THE PROJECT 24 25 IMPACT AND DISTRIBUTION 24 25 FINAL CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION 97 100 The quality of the project plan and the stages of the project were judged to be of a high standard, due to the fact that the aims and relevance of the project fully fulfil the requirements stated within the Jean Monnet module. The work programme presented by the project participants allowed to fully obtain detailed information on the objectives, content of the project, expected results aimed at improving teaching and research activities. The presented course ‘Privacy: The European Experience’ is relevant, contains innovative teaching methods, and focuses on the challenges of EU law enforcement practice. Responsible for project implementation Deputy Director of Postgraduate Education and Development of KAZGUU University, PhD Dr Olga Vasilievna Lozovaya; Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Law, KAZGUU University. M.S. Narikbayeva, Master of Law, Mukhamedjanova Dana Utegenovna. Project Objectives A number of activities are included in the Jean Monnet project implementation programme: Teaching the course ‘International Standards for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Data: EU Experience’. This course is designed for undergraduates (40 hours per academic year). Conducting guest lectures with the participation of experts from the Delegation of the European Union in Kazakhstan in order to gain experience from the practice of legal regulation of personal data protection and privacy issues in the EU. Organising and holding round tables with the participation of a wide range of participants from the academic community, non-governmental organisations, law enforcement officials, government agencies and others involved in the study of issues related to the right to privacy. Holding an essay competition among students on the theme: ‘Privacy in the digital age’. Project implementation period:3 years Teaching Event Deadline The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table No. 1 § Essay competition among students 2018 II semester The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table № 2 § Essay competition among students 2019 г. II semester The course ‘Privacy: The European Experience. § Round table № 3 § Essay competition among students 2020 г. II semester More information about the Jean Monnet project: Project News: KAZGUU hosted a round table on ‘Protection of privacy’ within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Is Kazakhstan’s cyberspace protected?


Jean Monnet Academic Modules Jean Monnet Project: «Privacy Protection: the European Union Perspective» International Credit Mobility Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Academic Mobility Programme with the University of Leicester (UK) Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Partnership International Credit Mobility Under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme together with Leiden University (Netherlands) Capacity Building projects Enhancing the internationalisation of research through the establishment of a level 3 quality assurance system in line with the European agenda KAZGUU hosted the annual monitoring of Erasmus+ projects KAZGUU team participated in international trainings under the Erasmus+ project International Conference ‘Internal and External Quality Assurance Systems for Cycle 3 (Doctoral) Programmes’. Выставка результатов проектов, финансируемых программой Erasmus+

Capstone Project

Since April 2016, KAZGUU University together with Penal Reform International (PRI) in Central Asia has been implementing the Capstone Project, in which students of the University conduct research on human rights. Based on the results of the research, it is planned to prepare proposals and recommendations for the improvement of national programmes in the field of penal law, criminal procedure law and international law.   In general, the Capstone Project aims to improve the quality of the RK educational system through the formation and development of students’ critical thinking skills as well as planning, organising and conducting research. № Student’s name Project Name 1 Asykpaeva Aidana, Kim Olga, Tileukesh Anel Implementing the Right to Education for Juveniles in Detention: Best Practices and Implementation 2 Izteleuova Lyazat, Kashakbayeva Zhansaya, Segizbayeva Aigerim The right of inmates to communication with the outside world and legal assistance 3 Victoria Ilyina, Inkar Uskenbaeva, Kospanova Social adaptation and re-socialisation of persons who have served their sentences in correctional institutions 4 Zhakisheva Aida, Sapasheva Asel Kazakhstan’s fulfilment of international obligations to protect human rights from acts of torture 5 Aubakirova Madina, Omarova Karina, Murat Asel Active suffrage of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in Kazakhstan 6 Sabyrova Ayim, Orazbekova Aisha, Arturova Madina Implementation of the right to work among convicted prisoners in Kazakhstan   The defence of the projects occurred on 6 December 2016. KAZGUU University presented for public hearing 6 projects prepared under the guidance of teachers Tastanova Malika, Bektibaeva Olga.

Scientific project ‘The role of merchants in the transformation of the socio-cultural space of Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries’

Implementation period: October 2022. – 2024.   Head Candidate of Historical Sciences, Academic Professor Mukataeva L.K. The purpose of the scientific project is a comprehensive analysis of the versatile activities of merchants in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, directions and forms of its participation in the economic, socio-political and cultural life of the country, ways and meanings of its socio-cultural self-realisation.   Objectives: to give a conceptual analysis of the theoretical-methodological and historiographical base of the issue; to characterise the composition, status, the main activities of the merchants of Kazakhstan, including the Kazakh merchants; to reveal the patronage activities of the merchants and their role in the development of culture, art, education, science, etc. Based on the application of virtual reconstruction technology to develop recommendations for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage objects on the peculiarities of branding cultural spaces.   The results of the Project contribute to the development of historical consciousness as an important factor in the world outlook and values of a citizen in the context of globalisation. Addressing historical themes, cultural heritage ensures the strengthening of the national code and preservation of identity.   Expected Outcomes: In accordance with the aim and objectives of the project, the following results will be obtained: — theoretical, methodological and historiographical aspects of the topic will be analysed and systematised, the evolution of the development of the merchant class during the formation of capitalist relations in Kazakhstan will be traced;   — the article characterises the composition, status, main activities of the merchants of Kazakhstan, studies the activities of the merchants in general and by the example of its most prominent representatives, separately considers the activities of Kazakh merchants and the peculiarities of the formation and development of Kazakh merchants;   — It will describe the patronage activities of merchants and their role in the development of culture, art, education, science, etc. Based on the application of virtual reconstruction technology, 3D models of historical buildings will be created and recommendations for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage objects will be developed;   — social media – coverage of the research results through mass media, social networks and specialised websites (official website of JSC ‘M.S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University’).   3D — model:   Residential house of merchant Gabdulvaliev It was built in 1909 by architect Zenkov by order of merchant Iskhak Gabdulvaliev. In Verny, the Gabdulvaliev family owned houses and warehouses located on Uchilishchnaya, Sergiopolskaya, Gostinodvorskaya, Taranchinskaya and other streets. One of these buildings was the Trading House ‘I. Gabdulvaliev and Sons’. After the revolution, the residential building was nationalised, and with the transfer of the capital of the Kazakh SSR from Kyzyl-Orda to Alma-Ata, the building housed the People’s Commissariat of Finance. The monument of architecture of the beginning of XX century of the city of Verny was built in the style of ‘Art Nouveau’. It is a two-storey building, rectangular in plan. The main axes are revealed by the arrangement of domes and parapet walls. The facades have a clear horizontal and vertical division. The rectangular shaped windows are surrounded by profiled plaster platbands with shelves. The profiled cornice, parapet walls of curvilinear outlines and parapet posts topped with spheres are saturated with wooden, carved plant ornamentation. November 10, 2010. a new State List of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Local Significance of Almaty was approved, simultaneously with which all previous decisions in this regard were recognised as null and void. In this Resolution the status of a monument of local importance was preserved for the dwelling house of merchant Gabdulvaliev. The boundaries of the protection zones were approved in 2014. This was once the workshop of a shoe factory. Today, the historic house of the Gabdulvaliev merchants houses a catering establishment. The building is located at 38, Tulebayeva Street, Almaty. At the beginning of the twentieth century. The modern look of the building

‘New Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan’


World Bank and MoJ RK Project ‘Strengthening Forensic Expertise’

Since October 2016, KAZGUU University, together Key Forensic Services Ltd (KFS), King’s College London (KCL), QPA Strategies Ltd. (QPA) and Astana Garant Consulting (AGC) launched the ‘Strengthening Forensic Expertise’ project of the World Bank and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   The Project includes three components: Component A: ‘Developing and piloting forensic performance indicators’.   This component plans to study the practice of forensic and medical expertise in Kazakhstan in the context of international experience, develop forensic performance indicators, develop a User’s Guide on forensic performance indicators, and organise and hold a number of international conferences on forensic issues. See the presentation.   Component B: ‘Modernisation of the legislative and institutional framework for forensic science’. The results of this component will be presented in the form of proposals to supplement the draft law of the RK ‘On Forensic Expert Activity’. See the presentation.   Component C: ‘Professional development of expert staff’. During the implementation of this component, professional development trainings of local experts in foreign universities and expert institutions will be organised. See the presentation. The Strengthening Forensic Science project is a two-year project that will run until December 2018.     The project support team from KAZGUU University consists of: № Name Position Contacts 1 Daulenov Miras Mukhtarovich Deputy Chairman of the Management Board +7 (7172) 70-28-12 вн. 1003 2 Kudaibergenov Galymzhan Bayankulovich Deputy Chairman of the Management Board +7 (7172) 70-30-09 вн. 1014 3 Seitenov Kaliollah Kabaevich Director of the Institute of Forensic Expertise +7 (7172) 70-28-62 вн. 1191 4 Pen Sergey Gennadievich Director for the School of Law + (7172) 70-30-38 вн. 1078 5 Bektibaeva Olga Sergeevna UGP Vice Dean for Academic Affairs +(7172) 70-30-45 6 Galym Makhmedjanov Director of the QIDS Institute for Socio-Economic Research

Promising projects

12:02, 07.02.2025


We are pleased to announce the publication of the first online article in the new THRI-CEGREG Joint Publications series—a collaborative initiative between The Hague Research Institute for Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus & Central Asia (THRI) and the Center for Global and Regional Governance (CEGREG), a newly established research center at ISE of Maqsut Narikbayev […]

03:02, 06.02.2025


On February 6, an exciting guest lecture from Visit Shymkent was organised for students of the Tourism and Hospitality educational programmes. The event became not only an opportunity for students to immerse into the tourism industry, but also an important step in enhancing the relationship between the academic environment and the professional community. The main […]

01:02, 05.02.2025


On January 30, 2025, the 8th Meeting of the Business Council convened – a permanent advisory and consultative body of the School, which consists of prestigious and competitive employers who ensure the progress and further development of the School. This year’s session, titled The 8th Business Council Meeting: Employment Challenges for Graduates of the International […]

02:02, 04.02.2025


On february 4, 2025 MIND MNU, in cooperation with the World Bank, presented the Kazakhstan Economic Update 2025 report. The event featured a high-level discussion on fiscal policy, sustainable investment, and the latest analytical insights into Kazakhstan’s economy. The annual report provided an overview of Kazakhstan’s economic developments, growth prospects, and policy challenges. The event […]

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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