Governing body

Talgat Narikbayev
Chairman of the Board of the "M.S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University" JSC
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Sergey Pen
Provost (Rector)
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Galymzhan Kudaibergenov
First Deputy Chairman of the Board of MNU
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Erbolat Mukhamedzhan
Deputy Chairman of the Board of MNU
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Ainur Karbozova
Deputy Chairman of the Board of MNU
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Maxim Krushinsky
Head of the Legal Support Department
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Olga Bektibayeva
Dean of the MNU Law School
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Saule Kemelbayeva
Dean of the International School of Economics
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Aigul Zhamalova
Dean of the International School of Journalism
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Anar Ibrayeva
Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
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Bibigul Uvaliyeva
Chief Accountant – Head of the Accounting Department
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Honorary Rectors

Erkesh Nurpeisov
First rector of KazGUU University
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Nagashbay Shaikenov
Kazakhstani legal scholar, statesman, second rector of KazGUU University
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Salyk Zimanov
General Director of the law firm "Intellectual-Parasat"
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Maqsut Narikbayev
President of KAZGUU University, statesman and political figure of Kazakhstan
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College of Honorary Professors (Doctors)

Bulat Bayekenov
President of the Association of Security Organizations of Kazakhstan
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Vlad Genin
Head of the College and Dean of the Faculty of Business, Management and Information Technology.
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Vazken Kavlakyan
Vazken Kavlakian – Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Lebanese Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Askhat Daulbayev
Member of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Adilbek Dzhaksybekov
Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Zhumageldy Elyubayev
Managing Legal Advisor of the Eurasian Division of Chevron Corporation
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Yeraly Tugzhanov
Kazakh politician, akim of Mangistau region
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Organizational structure

Maqsut Narikbayev University

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body of "M.S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University" JSC. The Board of Directors determines the strategic goals, priority directions for the development of the Company and establishes the main guidelines for the Company’s activities for the long term. The Board of Directors exercises control over the activities of the Company and the Management Board. In order to facilitate the effective performance of the functions of the Board of Directors, the following Committees have been created: Audit Committee, Personnel and Remuneration Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, other committees at the discretion of the Board of Directors and the requirements of the current Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Board of Directors carries out its functions in accordance with the law, the Company's Charter, the Corporate Governance Code, the Regulations on the Board of Directors and other internal documents of the Company.


Sembin Bolat Azhakaevich
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Narikbayev Talgat Maqsutovich
Member of the Board of Directors – Chairman of the Management Board
Bekpaev Zhandarbek Sagnaevich
Member of the Board of Directors
Adilkhan Aset Malgazhdaruly
Independent director
Demesinov Rauy Khairzhanovich
Independent director
Rakhimbekov Buran Gizatovich
Independent director


Kazbekova Ainura Amangeldievna
Corporate Secretary

In order to effectively organize the activities of the Board of Directors and interaction of the Management Board with Shareholders, the Board of Directors appoints a Corporate Secretary.

The Corporate Secretary is accountable to the Board of Directors and independent of the Management Board. The Corporate Secretary carries out his activities on the basis of legislation, the Charter of the Company, the Code of Corporate Governance, the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary and other internal documents of the Company

View reports on financial and economic activities
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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