Scientific Schools


Academy of Legal and Economic Sciences named after Zimanov S. (formerly Zimanov S. Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences) was established in 2010 by the decision of the MNU Board of Directors. Since October 2020, activities at the Academy have been transferred to the format of permanent scientific schools.


Contribute to society through legal and economic research aimed at countering contemporary challenges in Central Asia


Lead the top research institutes in Kazakhstan in the field of law and economics, ensuring continuous contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan

The Scientific School of Labor Law


The Scientific School of Labor Law is a structural division of the MNU Law School.

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The Scientific School of German and Administrative Law


The Scientific School of Administrative and German Law was established in 2020 in order to conduct systematic research in the field of public law, in particular administrative and administrative procedural law. Specific task of the School is the reception of German Public Law and its research aimed at borrowing the best practices for their subsequent introduction into the legislation and legal doctrine of Kazakhstan.

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The Scientific School of Theory and Philosophy of Law


The Scientific School of Theory and Philosophy of Law was established in 2022 to conduct scientific research in the field of modern theory of law and state, as well as to study the philosophical foundations of legal science and to develop the methodology of scientific research in the field of law.

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The Scientific School of International and Competitive Law


The Scientific School of International and Competitive Law (hereinafter referred to as the Scientific School) is a structural subdivision of the MNU Law School, the purpose of which is to promote international law and competitive law through educational and research activities.

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Centre for Islamic and Kazakh Law


On September 1, 2022, the ‘Centre for Islamic Law’ was opened. Objectives: research and scientific comprehension of the nature of continuity of Islamic law and laws of the Kazakh khanate. Objectives of the Centre include research of manuscripts and written sources of Kazakh law of the pre-revolutionary period, mainly written in Chagatai, Arabic and Farsi, etc.

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Annual Student Research Reports

Report on Key Findings and Recommendations Across Various Sectors in Kazakhstan Based on ISE Master’s Theses and Diploma Projects
Collection of conclusions and recommendations of diploma Projects/Works of the School of Liberal Arts for 2023-2024 Academic year
School of Liberal Arts collection of the Master's theses' findings and recommendations for the 2023-2023 Academic year

Report on Key Findings and Recommendations Across Various Sectors in Kazakhstan Based on ISE Master’s Theses and Diploma Projects

Collection of conclusions and recommendations of diploma Projects/Works of the School of Liberal Arts for 2023-2024 Academic year

School of Liberal Arts collection of the Master's theses' findings and recommendations for the 2023-2023 Academic year

The Operating plan

The Operating plan for 2022-2023 ISE
The Operating plan for 2022-2023 SLA
The Operating plan for 2022-2023 MLS

The Operating plan for 2022-2023 ISE

The Operating plan for 2022-2023 SLA

The Operating plan for 2022-2023 MLS

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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