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Maqsut Narikbayev University

University's Anti-Corruption Policy

  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Combating Corruption

  • The UN Convention

  • Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025

  • National Anti-Corruption Report

  • On approval of the Action Plan for 2021-2023 for the implementation of the Anti–Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025, Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 24, 2021 No. 576

  • On Approval of the Rules for Encouraging Persons who have Reported a fact of Corruption Offence or otherwise assist in Combating Corruption, Resolution No. 1131 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2015

  • Anti-corruption recommendations for HEIs

  • Standard Algorithm for Conducting an Anti-Corruption Audit of a Higher Educational Institution

  • Corruption Risk Map

  • Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 24, 2020 No. 161 On Approval of Methodological Recommendations for Identifying and Resolving Conflicts of Interest in Organizations of Higher and (or) Postgraduate Education

Report on the MNU Corruption Risk Map

Non-transparent University budget establishment and allocation

  • 1. The university does not have a budget commission or a similar collegial body approving the budget (or its nominal nature);
  • 2. Absence (or nominal nature) of a specific and working procedure for the establishment and consideration of budget applications;
  • 3. Absence of protocols of final decisions on the approval of specific budget items;
  • 4. The lack of established channels for informing departments about the results of consideration of budget applications;
  • 5. Frequent reallocation of funds between different budget items;
  • 6. Non-transparent allocation of overhead costs.
  • 1. In the process of budget establishment and allocation, the University is guided by the Regulations on Current and Long-term Planning. According to the Regulation, there is a clear procedure for the establishment and approval of the budget. The Budget Task Group forms and makes a preliminary approval of the University's budget for the current year. The collegial executive body of Maqsut Narikbayev University, the Board, finally approves the budget.
  • 2. The Budget Task Group approves budget application forms, which are filled out by the Head of the structural divisions and submitted for consideration and discussion by the Budget Task Group.
  • 3. Based on the results of the budget review of structural divisions, the Budget Task Group forms a general budget with specific items and submits it to the Board for approval. The Board approves the University's budget for the current year at an in-person meeting by drafting a Protocol.
  • 4. After the budget is approved, budgets are distributed to structural divisions via electronic document management.
  • 5. According to the Regulations, within the established period, the Budget Task Group, based on the submitted applications and explanations, redistributes funds between the approved budget items, but within the approved fixed budget of the University.
  • 6. The University does not plan overhead costs when establishing the budget due to the fact that the Budget Task Group forms and approves detailed transcripts and specific budget items of the University.
  • 7. According to the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Joint Stock Companies, the University annually conducts an external audit by independent auditors for the past year.

Misuse of assets and fixed assets

  • 1. A large number of rental areas withdrawn from the classroom fund;
  • 2. Transfer of laboratory facilities and landfills for practice to third-party organizations for commercial activities;
  • 3. A large number of events of third-party organizations held on the basis of the university;
  • 4. Transfer of university residential areas (office apartments, dormitories) for rent or uncompensated use of third parties;
  • 5. Transfer of university vehicles for rent or uncompensated use of third parties and third-party organizations.
  • 1. Transparent procedure for planning the revenue side of the budget through the use of fixed assets. The University is guided by such internal documents as: Regulations on the Conclusion of Independent Contractor Agreement, Regulations On the Provision of Office Housing and Improvement of Living Conditions for University staff, Regulations On the Placement and Leasing of University Property.
  • 2. The classroom fund, laboratory fund and landfills for practice are leased only after the approval of the schedule by the Registrar's office, the start of the training, and the provision of information on available areas.
  • 3. The lease price is established according to the Register of the cost of 1 square meter of the leasehold premises approved by the Board.
  • 4. The University's website highlights all events held by third-party organizations only as part of partnerships and the University's Chartered goals.
  • 5. The transfer of University residential areas (office apartments, dormitories) is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations On the Placement and Leasing of University Property, the Regulations On the Provision of Office Housing and the Improvement of Living Conditions for Employees, on the basis of which the Protocol of the meeting of the Housing Committee/The Board is drawn up. The transfer of residential area to third parties is possible only in case of vacant spaces and absence of applications for housing from students, staff, and faculty. The transfer of university vehicles for rent or uncompensated use to third parties and third-party organizations is carried out on the basis of the relevant decision (Protocol) of the Board.
  • 6. Annual report on the use of assets and fixed assets to the Board of Directors.
  • 7. Annual approval of the independent audit report, including on the use of assets and fixed assets, by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Non-transparent procedure for the procurement of goods, works, and services

  • 1. Regularly involving the same suppliers;
  • 2. Lack of clear criteria for selecting suppliers;
  • 3. Lack of a transparent procurement planning procedure;
  • 4. Systematic conduct of unscheduled purchases;
  • 5. Purchase of works and services similar to those performed by university faculty and staff;
  • 6. Purchase of goods, works, and services at prices above the market average (without sufficient justification);
  • 7. Incorrect choice of the method of public procurement (on a competitive basis, from a single source, etc.).
  • 1. The University has developed a procedure for engaging suppliers in accordance with the approved Regulations On the Procedure of Forming Applications, Purchasing Goods, Works, and Services for the needs of the University and the Budget Plan for the current year.
  • 2. In accordance with the Regulations, the University has developed clear criteria for the selection of suppliers and established a procedure for planning goods, works and service procurement, paying due attention to the quality—cost ratio. The structural divisions observe the order, which is reflected in the preparation of the minutes of the meeting on the selection of potential suppliers.
  • 3. The purchase of goods, works, and services for the needs of the University is carried out with the mandatory approval of DFDC for compliance with the need and availability of budgetary funds.
  • 4. The purchase of goods, works, and services is carried out on the basis of monitoring price offers on the market. The University pays attention to the quality of the products provided (goods, works, and services).
  • 5. Public procurement by the University is carried out within the Regulations for Work on State and Commercial Electronic Platforms for the needs of the University and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Public Procurement approved by the authorized body. The University acts as a Supplier.

Non-transparent procedure for recruitment and promotion of employees

  • 1. Sole decision-making on the recruitment/promotion of an employee by the First Head of the University or the Head of a structural unit;
  • 2. Lack of clear criteria for admission to specific university positions and qualification requirements for candidates;
  • 3. Lack of transparent recruitment procedure and other personnel decision-making.
  • 1. According to the internal documents of the University (the Regulations on the MNU Faculty, the Regulations on the Rating Assessment of the MNU Faculty and the Regulations on the Recruitment of MNU Staff), an appropriate commission is established for the recruitment/promotion of an employee, and an order for appointment/transfer to another position is issued by the Chairman of the Board.
  • 2. In accordance with the MNU Staff Recruitment Regulations and job descriptions, clear criteria and qualification requirements necessary for employment are developed for each position/candidate.
  • 3. The transparent personnel selection procedure is reflected in the MNU Staff Recruitment Regulations.
  • 4. Certification and competitive replacement of faculty positions is carried out in accordance with the Rules approved by the authorized body.
  • 5. Vacancies and candidate requirements are posted by the Department of Strategy and HR on the MNU website. .

I want to report on corruption

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Order of Consideration of Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities", following appeals are not subject to consideration:

  • 1. anonymous appeal, except in cases when such appeal contains information about upcoming or committed crimes or about a threat to state or public security and which is subject to immediate redirection to state bodies in accordance with their competence;
  • 2. an appeal that does not state the essence of the issue.

    MNU University guarantees confidentiality when considering appeals as part of the “I want to report corruption” project. Appeals are sent directly to the consideration of the Provost of the University.

    Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
    Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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