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Counselling Psychology

Programme's School:
School of Liberal Arts


Master of Social Sciences in EP 7M03132 Counselling Psychology


Aim of the programme: training of specialists with scientific knowledge, competences, practical skills in the field of psychology, capable of applying them in analytical, research, pedagogical and counselling activities of a psychologist.


Duration– 1/2 years. 

The programme focuses on training qualified psychologists in scientific research, pedagogical and counselling activities.


Language of instruction: Russian


Major disciplines:

  • Methodological problems of modern psychology;
  • Methods of teaching psychological disciplines in higher education;
  • Research Methods;
  • Methods of analysing and interpreting the data of psychological research;
  • Design of psychological research.


Features of the programme:

  • flexible learning trajectory, allowing the master’s student to build a curriculum in the direction of cognitive-behavioural therapy and art therapy;
  • scientific and pedagogical practice and research internship in partner universities; including professional practice in psychological support centres, crisis centres, etc.;
  • opportunity to gain experience in research activities, develop skills in counselling and teaching psychology.


At the end of the programme you will be able to:

  • plan, organise, implement scientific and applied research in the field of psychology, relying on philosophical approaches, methodology and general scientific methods aimed at collecting, processing, interpreting data;
  • to select and develop methodological tools; to develop empirical research programmes, educational and training programmes and programmes aimed at providing practical assistance to an individual, group, organisation in accordance with the needs and goals of the customer;
  • possess the schemes of psychological counselling in individual and group work; apply psychodiagnostic methods, methods, techniques, technologies of rendering psychological help and correction of personality in accordance with the ethical professional standard of a psychologist;
  • to develop the ability to work with various sources of information (books, scientific articles, case studies, etc.), to critically reflect on the information received in the process of learning and self-development;
  • possess the professional and communication skills necessary to conduct scientific research, organise pedagogical influence and provide counselling;
  • monitor the mental health of the individual and group in the social sphere;




Information about modules

Module 1. The scientific and pedagogical module includes a block of disciplines aimed at training scientific and pedagogical staff for the system of higher postgraduate education and scientific sphere. The main goal is to prepare a specialist with professional knowledge and the ability to develop global, general scientific skills, communication, learning, and critical thinking skills. The block includes a number of such areas as management psychology, history and philosophy of science, pedagogy of higher education, professional foreign language, methodology of teaching psychology, pedagogical practice.
The module allows the master’s student to obtain the necessary general scientific and general pedagogical skills of professional communication, to apply them in analytical, research and pedagogical activities of a psychologist.


Module 2. The counselling module includes a block of disciplines aimed at the formation of modern ideas about psychological help, system approach to solving psychological problems; at the formation and development of professional position by mastering the main directions of psychological counselling and therapy, different methods of work with different contingent of clients (adults, families, children, organisations, etc.) and with different problems (crisis, illness, career, etc.).

This block consists of two specialisations offered to the Master’s student: cognitive behavioural therapy and art therapy. The block includes the following disciplines: methodological problems of modern psychology, models of modern psychological counselling, practical ethnopsychology, projective psychodiagnostics in psychological counselling, modern theories of personality, organisational counselling, industrial practice in profile organisations, cognitive model and neuroscience, topical issues of art psychology and ontogenesis of visual activity, behavioural psychotherapy, art therapy of children and adolescents, CPT of addiction, art therapy techniques in group work, CPT of stress and PTSD, art therapy in crisis psychology, CPT of marital relations, metaphorical maps in the practice of psychological counselling. The counselling module provides an opportunity to master psychodiagnostic methods and modern techniques for monitoring and providing psychological assistance aimed at solving psychological difficulties of individuals and improving the social and psychological climate in groups and organisations.


Module 3. Research module – a block of disciplines of basic and profile components, aimed at studying disciplines of research direction, such as methods of analysis and interpretation of psychological research data, design of psychological research, methodology of scientific research of postgraduate education, research practice, NIRM 1, NIRM 2 (internship), NIRM 3 and NIRM 4. Methods of conducting the internship: stationary on the basis of national and international commercial organisations or national state organisations specialising in the provision of psychological services or having relevant departments in their structure, as well as research centres and laboratories (including those operating in MNU). The block includes the defence of the Master’s thesis, including preparation for the defence procedure and the defence procedure.



Adil Samekin
Associate professor
Saule Bayankulova
Teaching professor
Raikhan Sabirova
Teaching professor

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Counselling Psychology
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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