
Школа специальности:
Master's degree


MSc in Economics

Length: 2 years

Language of instruction: 100% English


Advantages: The Master’s Program in Economics adheres to international educational standards while emphasizing local content. The program is designed to develop students’ knowledge and skills in analyzing business micro and macro environments, which are highly demanded by the regional labor market. Graduates of the program will be well-equipped to pursue careers in academia, national and international research organizations, financial institutions, and corporate organizations.

Learning outcomes:

  • demonstrate leadership, professional ethics and effective teamwork;
  • demonstrate proficient command of English, both writing and speaking, and presentation skills;
  • be committed to high standards of research ethics and academic integrity;
  • independently conduct applied research of appropriate novelty and quality;
  • find and deliver insights based on research to relevant stakeholders;
  • articulate professional judgments based on existing and original information;
  • apply theoretical knowledge and analytical skills to diagnose, evaluate and solve problems in economics and develop relevant recommendations;
  • demonstrate solid knowledge and practical skills in estimating and interpreting econometric models;
  • demonstrates data management and coding skills sufficient to perform econometric estimations with real data using statistical packages.

Programme structure


Code Course Title ECTS Required/Elective
Required (32 ECTS)
RCM5201 Foreign Language (Professional) 4 R
RСM5203 Management Psychology 4 R
RCM5202 History and Philosophy of Science 2 R
RCM5204 Higher School Pedagogy 2 R
RSM5201 Research Methods – 1 5 R
ECN5309 Advanced Applied Microeconomics 5 R
ECN5302 Advanced Applied Macroeconomics 5 R
ECN5201 Econometrics 5 R
Electives (42 ECTS)
ECN5205 International Economics 5 E
ECN5206 Labor Economics 5 E
ECN5308 Advanced Econometrics 5 E
ECN5304 Applied Econometrics 5 E
ECN5303 Applied Economics 5 E
ECN5304 Optimization Theory in Economic Analysis 5 E
ECN5307 Cases in Economics 5 E
ECN5305 Advanced Topics in Economics 5 E
FIN5305 Financial Risk Management 5 E
FIN5321 Financial Econometrics – 1 5 E
FIN5322 Financial Econometrics – 2 5 E
FIN5302 Refinitiv Workspace Certification 2 E
Teaching Practice 5 R
Research Practice 5 R
Scientific Research Project 24 R
Dissertation Defense 12 R


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