PhD in Economics

Школа специальности:
International School of Economics


PhD in Economics

Length: 3+ years

Language of instruction: 100% English

Advantages: The PhD program in Economics is aimed to develop rigorous theoretical knowledge and practical research skills to shape future professional researchers with a focus on empirical research in Economics for both academic and research career.


Learning outcomes:

  • demonstrate the ability to apply a wide range of research and project management skills to conduct independent research in Economics and related fields;
  • be committed to high standards of research ethics and academic integrity;
  • generate new scientific knowledge and contribute to the relevant field;
  • apply core principles of science and various epistemological approaches, analyze concepts in terms of philosophical and theoretical underpinnings;
  • conceptualize and critically evaluate the main theories in Economics, their evolution and paradigm shift in economic theory and policy;
  • demonstrate a systematic understanding of the analytical apparatus used in economic analysis and be able to employ it at an advanced level;
  • evaluate and analyze the key concepts of Economics and their Micro – and Macro – applications;
  • apply advanced econometric methods of analysis and demonstrate proficiency in processing and modelling data, performing estimations and interpreting results;
  • be familiar with various qualitative research methods and be able to apply those of them relevant to Economics;
  • understand the process of writing papers and publishing in academia;
  • demonstrate proficient command of English, both writing and verbal, and presentation skills.

Programme structure


Code Course Title ECTS Required/Elective
Core Courses – I (28 ECTS)
PHL7201 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Sciences 5 R
ECN7202 Optimization Theory in Economic Analysis 5 R
ECN7203 Applied Microeconometrics 5 R
ECN7204 Applied Macroeconometrics 5 R
  Teaching internship 3 R
ECN7208 History of Economic Thought 5 E
PHL7209 Qualitative Methods in Research 5 E
LNG7210 Academic Writing 5 E
PHL7211 “Let’s Talk Research” Series of Seminars 5 E
Core Courses – II (25 ECTS)
ECN7305 Advanced Microeconomics 5 R
ECN7306 Advanced Macroeconomics 5 R
ECN7307 Causal Inference and Quasi-Experimental Research 5 R
  Research practice 5 R
ECN7312 Game and Contract Theory 5 E
ECN7313 Labor Economics 5 E
ECN7314 Advanced Behavioral Economics 5 E
ECN7315 International Trade Theory 5 E
ECN7316 Public Economic Management 5 E
ECN5304 Research Methods: Applied Econometrics 5 E
Research 115 R
Final Examination 12 R


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PhD in Economics