Our employees

Koterlin Oles
LLM, Research Assistant of the Department of Public Law
Aida Otesin
Lecturer of the Department of Public Law
Lidiya Martynova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Tolkyn Zhakhina
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Indira Kuntuova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Ainur Rustemova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Gulshat Raisova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Raushan Omarova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Muslima Nurmagambetova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Aliya Nurmagambetova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Akhmetzhan Beisembekov
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Meruert Baykuatova
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Nurken Aimenov
LLM, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law
Maksat Zholdybai
LLM, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Mahsat Bereketov
LLM, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Andrey Kudyarov
LLM, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Yerkin Aubakirov
PhD in Philosophy, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Aigul Bokayeva
PhD in Law, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Didar Zhanguttinova
PhD in Law, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Zhalgas Temirbekov
PhD, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Aliya Orazbayeva
PhD in Law, Teaching Professor at the Department of Public Law
Alpysbay Zhussupov
Doctor of Law, Teaching Professor, Department of Public Law
Shapak Unzila
Doctor of Law, Teaching Professor, Department of Public Law
Indira Aubakirova
Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Law
Timur Bocharov
PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Law
Anton Didikin
Candidate of Law, Doctor of Philosophy Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law
Roman Melnik
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law
Zhannetta Kalisheva
PhD in Law, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Public Law
Sergey Udartsev
Doctor of Law, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Public Law