Our employees

Leyla Baimysheva
Lecturer, Master's degree in Philology
Samal Qalmet
Senior lecturer, MSc in Philology
Mira Kayipbayeva
Senior lecturer, MSc in Pedagogy
Aksamal Issaliyeva
Teaching Professor, PhD
Assyl Tuleubekov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Nurlykhan Aitova
Teaching professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Salima Simbayeva
Teaching professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Azhar Zekenova
Teaching professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Karlygash Dyusupbayeva
Gulmira Sultangazy
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Izathan Medesheva
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Indira Akylbayeva
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Lepuda Mukatayeva
Professor Emeritus, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Akerke Salimova
Coordinator of General Education Disciplines, MSc in Humanities
Supriya Banerjee
Teaching professor, PhD in Management, Estonian Business School, Estonia
Askhat Gumarov
Senior lecturer
Arthur Kim
Lecturer, MSc in Translation Studies, Maqsut Narikbayev University
Raushan Mukhamedjanova
Senior lecturer, MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Oxford School of Hospitality Management of Oxford Brookes University
Zhanar Ashikbayeva
Assistant professor, PhD in Public Policy, Nazarbayev University
Yermek Galiakbarov
Senior lecturer, MSc in Tourism
Kairat Sadvakasov
Senior lecturer, MSc in Tourism Management, New York University
Daniyel Serzhanuly
Senior lecturer, MSc in Tourism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Gulshat Raissova
PhD in Tourism Services Management Foresight, Eurasian National University (ENU)
Valery Oprya
Senior lecturer, Chief Philosophy Officer at Umbrella Training and Consulting
Asset Zhalmaganbetov
Lecturer, Brand Manager / Strategic Marketing
Rabiga Mukatova
Senior lecturer, PhD in Tourism Service Management Foresight, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov
Shynasyl Yernazar
Senior lecturer, MBA, KAZGUU University
Galymbek Mamrayev
Senior lecturer, Master of Public Administration, New York University
Aksamal Issaliyeva
Teaching professor, PhD in International Relations, ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov
Timur Kogabayev
Teaching professor
Daulet Beymurzinov
Lecturer, Director of AstanaHub Educational Programmes
Amina Berdibekova
Senior lecturer, MSc in Tourism Management, Budapest Business School
Nurbanu Zholzhanova
Senior lecturer
Karatayev Didar
Senior lecturer
Leila Shora
Lecturer, MSc in Marketing, Warwick Business School
Bakytzhan Bolkenov
Teaching professor
Nazym Seitova
Senior lecturer, MSc degree, MDIS, Singapore Courses: Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism History and Business English
Mira Rzakhanova
Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts in Humanities: Foreign Philology, Central-Kazakhstan Academy.
Asiya Alibekova
Senior Lecturer, Master of Education, Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov.
Aizhan Aikenova
Senior Lecturer, MSc in Educational Leadership, Nazarbayev University.
Zarema Serbayeva
Senior Lecturer, MSc in Educational Leadership, Nazarbayev University.
Aidana Zhumabai
Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts in English Language Teaching/ TESOL Studies, University of Southampton.
Alisher Khalmetov
Senior Lecturer, PhD in Turkic Studies, ENU.
Markhabat Ramazanova
Senior Lecturer, MSc in Educational Leadership: Inclusive Education, Nazarbayev University.
Aizat Zhaksylyk
Senior Lecturer, MA in Foreign Philology, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Master's in Foreign languages, Literature, and Linguistics, Opolski University, Poland.
Assem Berdimurat
Senior Lecturer, MSc, University of Glasgow. MA, Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Julia Babayeva
Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, ENU.
Inara Akhmetova
Senior Lecturer, MA in Multilingual education, Nazarbayev University.
Rassul Kargashev
Senior Lecturer, MSc in Educational Leadership.
Angela Mukanova
Lecturer, University of Practical Psychology (Moscow, Russia).
Nursulu Belesova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, KazNPU named after Abai Kunanbayev, PhD candidate of ENU.
Nazgul Bolatbekova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, Kokshetau University named after A.Myrzakhmetov. Expert of the RSOE "National Testing Center".
Anar Bukharova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, KarSU named after E.A. Buketov.
Anna Pozdeeva
Senior Lecturer, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Psychologist of the highest category (14th level).
Vladimir Poshatylyuk
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov.
Moldir Berzhanova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, higher doctorate student at St. Petersburg State University.
Bekova Marya Serzhanovna
Senior Lecturer, MA in Multilingual Education, Nazarbayev University, PhD in Education candidate.
Gulnur Kuderova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, graduate of MNU. Courses: Effective thinking, Organizational Psychology, Psychology of personality and individual differences.
Altynay Yermanova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, graduate of MNU, speech therapist.
Anargul Gabbasova
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, graduate of the ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov. Integrative psychologist, systemic family therapist, certified trainer, CBT therapist, crisis psychologist.
Darya Dymont
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree, Omsk Humanitarian Academy.
Ekaterina Payevskaya
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree in Psychology, MNU, fairy tale therapist.
Aikyn Dyusembayev
Senior Lecturer, DBA, President of the Association of Practical Psychologists in Astana, Vice-President of the Association of Sports Psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the “Kassiet” Psychology Center.
Saule Bayankulova
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg).
Raykhan Sabirova
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Marta Abdykalikova
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Assel Isakhanova
Teaching Professor, PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Yerden Nurtayev
Teaching Professor, PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology, KazNPU named after Abai Kunanbayev.
Oksana Zinchenko
Teaching Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Adil Samekin
Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Anar Ibrayeva
Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Elena Tselenko
Head of the "Translation Studies" and "Applied Linguistics" educational programmes
Dinara Imanzhanova
Vice-Dean for Science, Postgraduate Education and Development
Aray Rakisheva
Associate Professor of the Department of English
Oksana Kachan
Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department
Roza Sagitova
Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department
Aliya Sarsenbayeva
Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department
Kamila Bekzhanova
Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department
Elena Yemelyanova
Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department
Dina Abdrakhmanova
Teacher of the English Language Department
Zhadra Baibusinova
Teacher of the English Language Department
Nazgul Tleuova
Teacher of the English Language Department
Bekzhan Kurmangaliev
Teacher of the Department of General Education Disciplines
Anar Ibrayeva
Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Jamilya Bopurova
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Gulmira Barzhaksina
Vice Dean for Employment, Social Support and Development
Dinara Imanzhanova
Vice Dean for Postgraduate Education, Science and Development
Elena Tselenko
Head of the "Applied Linguistics" and "Translation Studies" educational programmes
Madina Lukpanova
Coordinator of the "Tourism" and "Hospitality" educational programs
Anar Bukharova
Head of the educational programs "Tourism" and "Hospitality"
Akerke Salimova
Head of the Kazakh – English languages and Linguistics educational programme and Coordinator of the Department of General Education Disciplines
Dina Abdrakhmanova
Coordinator of the English Language Department
Madina Abdrakhmanova
Chairman of the Academic Quality Committee
Aizhan Aikenova
Chairman of the Committee on Science and Ethics
Sholpan Utegenova
School Assistant