Johnny Depp’s lawyer revealed to MNU students the secrets to building a successful personal brand - MNU

Johnny Depp’s lawyer revealed to MNU students the secrets to building a successful personal brand


Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez, a top 10 lawyer in the United States, spoke at MNU today and spoke about the importance of a personal brand in the court of law and in the court of public opinion.

In a short period of time, her name was learnt by almost every TikTok user after winning a high-profile lawsuit of Johnny Depp against ex-spouse Amber Heard. Let’s remind, on June 1, 2022, the court of jury found the actress of Hollywood actress Heard guilty of defamation and awarded compensation in the amount of $15 million in favour of Depp.

Here’s what Camille Vasquez recommended:

Tip №1: Embrace your identity. This means recognising, accepting and valuing your identity. Don’t try to create a false image. People appreciate authenticity and sincerity. For example, Camille lost her first trial with a bang.

Tip №2: Create values. The second point follows from the first. After adopting a non-ideal version of herself (due to her Latin background, Camille made mistakes in pronouncing words during her court appearances), it is important to create a connection with her audience and communicate her values to gain influence. This is how her story has inspired many people around the world to pursue a law degree and give a voice to the ‘ silent ones’.

Tip №3: Grow. Camille believes that everyone should manage their time in the right proportion: 50% should be devoted to yourself and your future image, 30% to creating closeness with your professional community, and 20% to people who look up to you. In this way, you are constantly in development.