The memory of Azamat Tokzhanov: a leader, a respected father, a favourite spouse, an example for young people. - MNU

The memory of Azamat Tokzhanov: a leader, a respected father, a favourite spouse, an example for young people.

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Today we commemorate alumnus Azamat Tokzhanov, who set a shining example of leadership and honesty. Azamat, holding responsible positions, managed to conquer career milestones. Azamat’s professionalism and work became successful projects in the energy sector of the country. He was an active participant of the university life, proved himself as a strong leader and a true professional of his work. Azamat was a beloved spouse, father of two beautiful daughters. His wife – a talented actress, audience’s favourite Aliya Anuarbek and two beautiful daughters became not only a support, but also inspired him to climb new heights. In honour of his brother, Kamshat Tokzhanovа, Azamat’s sister, in whose life she was like a distinct hill, established a scholarship named after Azamat Tokzhanov, which allowed five gifted students to receive quality higher education. This scholarship not only helps young people to start their careers, but has become an asset that reminds them of Azamat, his achievements and the values he led. Today Kamshat Tokzhanova also visited and met with her supporting students at the spring of knowledge – MNU. We express our great gratitude for the contribution to such good initiatives, supporting the traditions of our university.