MNU Indoor Triathlon is a unique sports project popularising healthy lifestyle is aimed at strengthening the unity and spirit of MNU community. Unlike a traditional triathlon with one person completing all the stages (swimming, cycling and running), this event emphasises teamwork. Each of the 10 teams is comprised of three competitors sharing the distances – some run, some bike, and some swim.
These teams are made up of students, alumni, staff and partners of the university, reflecting the principle of bringing different parts of the University community together to achieve a common goal. All teams have ambitious names that symbolise their ambition to win. The main prize for the strongest team is the MNU Power Cup, which will be a symbol of team power and co-operation. The winners and runner-up teams will also receive additional awards.
We are pleased to announce that at the end of the three rounds of the competition the best team was the White Tigers, who confidently outperformed their rivals and received the MNU Power Cup. The event was a great example of how success can be achieved through joined efforts, upholding MNU values and enhancing team spirit.
It should be noted that the date specially set for Republic Day creates a special meaning to the event and emphasises the power of teamwork, promotes the popularisation of an active civil and athletic lifestyle. After all, it is the strong, goal-oriented youth and progressive citizens who act as key driving forces in the development of Kazakhstan.