Triumph of ISJ at the Republican Olympiad! - MNU

Triumph of ISJ at the Republican Olympiad!


The team of students of MNU International School of Journalism won the Republican Olympiad on “Journalism”, which was held on April 25-26 in Almaty. The event is held annually among students of higher education institutions throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the first round, students demonstrated skills in writing a journalistic text, in the second round they analyzed a case study, and in the final round they had to film and edit a story on their own.

It was a path full of hard work, sleepless nights and relentless pursuit of the goal. The team of participants led by Alma Sailaukyzy put all their strength and knowledge into each material, each article, each interview. Special thanks to Daulet Amanov, the Digital Editing teacher, for his creative editing skills.

This is not only the victory of the students’ team but also the victory of our whole School and Maqsut Narikbayev University!