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AMA REMC – Law direction

AMA Academic Methodological Association – Law direction

The activities of the AMA have been transformed into a Project Office

The project office – “Quality legal education” was created on the basis of the protocol decision of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the transition of the activities of the educational educational institution in the direction of “Law” to a new format of work.

Our motto is ‘Justice must be strong and strength must be fair’ Blaise Pascal

The Project Management Group (PMG) is a team of representatives of higher education institutions and law faculties – members of the AMA, employers – national and international law firms and companies and Employers’ Associations.

The PMG is responsible for facilitating the achievement of overall project goals and specific results of the team, managing the processes of development, planning, implementation and adjustment of projects, in accordance with the methodology and using project management tools.

The work of the State Unitary Enterprise will be carried out in the following areas:

  • Educational Programme Portfolio Development.
  • ‘Implementation the principles of academic integrity through fair practices, credit technology learning standards and global practices to counter academic dishonesty’
  • Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications.
  • Establishment of a centre for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel.
  • Career and employment
  • Textbooks with updated content

The work of the project group ‘’ Educational Programme Portfolio Development‘’ will be aimed at developing a portfolio of educational programmes at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, taking into account the recommendations of employers (IT-competencies, practice-oriented, legal writing techniques, professional practice, etc.) with the involvement of practitioners – representatives of authorised bodies, leading foreign and domestic companies, development of additional educational programmes and minor.

The project group “Implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and global practices in combating academic dishonesty” is working to introduce the values ​​and principles of academic integrity based on the recommendations of the League of Academic Integrity into the educational process and into the research activities of the facultyuniversity through various tools, improving the internal system for ensuring the quality of education by introducing the principles of horizontal management and ensuring transparency, collegial decisions based on academic integrity, recommendations of the League of Academic Integrity on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic activities.

The project group “Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditation and certification” is promoting issues of external assessment of students’ skills and competencies based on employer ratings, issues of professional standards and industry qualification frameworks, the introduction of national certification of legal personnel with an objective assessment of the competencies and qualifications of specialists market of professional legal services.

The project group “Creation of a center for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel” is working to train young teachers with little work experience through the institute of internship, advanced training and training and retraining of legal personnel.

The project group “Career and Employment”, based on the recommendations of the Council of Employers, is working on issues related to analyzing the percentage of employment of graduates in EP, monitoring the employment of graduates for six months, a year and three years after completion of training, holding “Career Days” events, concluding agreements with Employer Associations .

The project group “Textbooks with updated content” conducts an analysis of the provision of universities with textbooks and educational and methodological literature, including by language of instruction and year of issue, formation of requirements for the development of textbooks and educational and methodological literature (structure, volume and technical part, etc. ), formation of a thematic plan of publications, necessary textbooks and educational and methodological literature in the field of “Law”, compiling a database of developers and teams of authors for the development of textbooks and educational and methodological literature.

State Unitary Enterprise – Educational Programme Portfolio Development

  1. Bektibayeva Olga Sergeevna – PhD, Director of Law School, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY
  2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
    3. Moroz Svetlana Pavlovna – Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of Law School, Caspian Public University;
    4. Kazieva Gulzhaukhar Tursynkhanovna – Associate Professor at the School of Law and Public Administration, NARHOZ University;
    5. Veselskaya Natalia Romanovna-Head of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
    6. Ibragimova Flura Galimovna – Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Alikhan Bokeikhan University;
    7. Nazken Zhamaladin Sagidullaevna – Director of Legal Policy Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    8. Natalia Vladimirovna Sidorova – Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Law Faculty of E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University;
    9. Tokmurzina Dana Aitmagambetovna – Managing Partner of Fortune Partners LLP
    10. Daumov Samat Bolatovich – Managing Partner of GRATA International in Kazakhstan.

State Unitary Enterprise – “Implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and world practices in combating academic dishonesty”

  1. Pen Sergey Gennadievich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Chairman of AMA, Provost MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY
  2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
    3. Makhanbaeva Nurgul Nurlanovna – Head of Office of the League of Academic Integrity;
    4. Alibayeva Gulnar Aytchanovna – Doctor of Law Professor Pro-Rector for Research and International Relations Kunayev University;
    5. Akhmetov Kadyr Abilzhanovich – Doctor of Science (PhD) Professor Pro-Rector for Educational and Scientific Affairs Eurasian Humanities Institute;
    6. Imanov Kairat Serikbaevich – senior lecturer of the department ‘Legal disciplines’ of the North-Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybaev.
    7. Yakov Mikhailovich Voronkov – Quality assurance office MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY

State Unitary Enterprise – Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications
1. Pen Sergey Gennadyevich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Chairman of UMO, Provost MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY;

2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
3. Bektibayeva Olga Sergeevna – PhD, Director of Graduate School of Education MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY

4. Sharipov Dilfariz – EY Law Firm

5. Tukiev Aslan Sultanovich – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Chairman of the Business Council (Employers’ Council) MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY
6. Skakov Anuarbek Adylbekovich – Chairman of the Chamber of Legal Consultants of Nur-Sultan;
7. Mukhamedyarov Amanzhol Nurlanovich – Advocate of the Astana Collegium of Advocates
8. Sofia Sailauovna Zhylkaydarova – Managing Partner of SIGNUM Law Firm, member of the Managing Council of the Chamber of Legal Consultants ‘Kazakhstan Bar Association’.

State Unitary Enterprise – Establishment of a centre for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel.
1. Esther Levonovna Babajanyan – Head of Legal Clinic Project Manager MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY
2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
3. Nogaybay Zangar Maksutovich – Executive Director of the Association ‘KAZENERGY’;
3. Bukhaeva Anar Argyngazynovna- Head of the Department of Jurisprudence of Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetov

4. Sergey Sizintsev – Executive Director of De Facto Law Firm.
5. Utebekov Dzhokhar Nurgazizovich — lawyer of the Almaty City Bar Association

6. Zhanabilova Assel Bulatkazievna – Chairman of the Republican Notary Chamber

7. Ekaterina Nurperzentova – Director of the Tax Disputes Group at the International Law Firm Olympex Advisors

State Unitary Enterprise – Career and Employment

  1. Utegen Dana — Deputy Director of the Law School, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY

2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
3. Ryspekova Gulnar Orazovna — Executive Director of the Republican Notary Chamber;
4. Krushinskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, Eurasian Humanitarian Institute;
5. Tokmurzin Rasul – Legal Director of Talan Towers Law Firm;
6. Sagiev Adilet- EY Law Firm

7. Aliya Balykbaeva – Senior Manager of the Department of Human Resources and Professional Development at EY Kazakhstan LLP;
8. Kaldybaev Askar Kuralbaevich – Candidate of Law, Executive Director of the Atameken Arbitration Center;

State Unitary Enterprise – Textbooks with updated content

  1. Sergey Vyacheslavovich Sayapin -Doctor of Law, Professor, School of Law, KIMEP University-.
  2. Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna – PhD Professor Emeritus, Administrator
    3. Ibraeva Alua Salamatovna — Doctor of Law, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    4. Omarov Ibrahim Aliaskarovich – Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of the Central Kazakhstan Academy;
    5. Ahmadi M.A. – Vice Provost for Scientific Activities and Research at MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY;
    6. Abdijami Aitugan Zhumakhmetovna – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Labor Law of the E.A.Buketov KarSU

7. Tlepina Sholpan Valeryevna – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of International Law of the ENU named after L.N.Gumilev;
8. Rustam Atajanov – Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor of Public and International Law, KIMEP University School of Law.

9. Baymurat Sagidolla – LLM Master, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY

AMA Plan Law

Structure of AMA State Unitary Enterprise



Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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