Capstone Project

Since April 2016, KAZGUU University together with Penal Reform International (PRI) in Central Asia has been implementing the Capstone Project, in which students of the University conduct research on human rights. Based on the results of the research, it is planned to prepare proposals and recommendations for the improvement of national programmes in the field of penal law, criminal procedure law and international law.


In general, the Capstone Project aims to improve the quality of the RK educational system through the formation and development of students’ critical thinking skills as well as planning, organising and conducting research.

Student’s name Project Name
1 Asykpaeva Aidana, Kim Olga, Tileukesh Anel Implementing the Right to Education for Juveniles in Detention: Best Practices and Implementation
2 Izteleuova Lyazat, Kashakbayeva Zhansaya, Segizbayeva Aigerim The right of inmates to communication with the outside world and legal assistance
3 Victoria Ilyina, Inkar Uskenbaeva, Kospanova Social adaptation and re-socialisation of persons who have served their sentences in correctional institutions
4 Zhakisheva Aida, Sapasheva Asel Kazakhstan’s fulfilment of international obligations to protect human rights from acts of torture
5 Aubakirova Madina, Omarova Karina, Murat Asel Active suffrage of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in Kazakhstan
6 Sabyrova Ayim, Orazbekova Aisha, Arturova Madina Implementation of the right to work among convicted prisoners in Kazakhstan


The defence of the projects occurred on 6 December 2016. KAZGUU University presented for public hearing 6 projects prepared under the guidance of teachers Tastanova Malika, Bektibaeva Olga.
