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Cultural Environment of the Historical City: Transformation of Kazakhstan Urban Space at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

The scientific project ‘Cultural environment of the historical city: transformation of the Kazakh urban space of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries’ is implemented within the framework of grant financing of fundamental and applied scientific research on scientific projects for 2020-2022 years of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (priority direction – Scientific bases of ‘Mangilik el’ (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of humanities).

The project aims to study the history of the urban environment and its influence on the realisation of human and social possibilities, as well as to interpret the socio-cultural character of the historical city, which transmits new meanings, values and experiences necessary in the modern world.

The aim of the project is to study the peculiarities of formation and functioning of the cultural environment of the cities of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, as well as the processes of interaction and mutual influence of the city, society and transformation into new models of socio-cultural relationships, which determined the image of the cities of Kazakhstan in various aspects of life of both society and the state.

The project has the following objectives:
1. Analysis of existing concepts of urban studies and systematisation of historiography;
2. Studying the main stages of the genesis of the city and urban environment in Kazakhstan, identifying the levels of impact of the geographical factor and civilisational features of regional development on urban space in the conditions of active colonisation of the region;
3. Study of the factors of influence of urban space on the development of social groups and institutions, namely on their formation, processes of adaptation to the urban environment;
4. Consideration of the possibility of applying historical socio-cultural experience in solving modern problems of the city.
The duration for the project is 27 months from November 2020 to December 2022.

Expected and achieved results for 2021

Expected outcomes Achieved results
1 To be written and published:

one article in the conference proceedings

2 articles published in the collection of the international scientific-practical conference
2 8 articles in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with non-zero impact factor recommended by the CQSE of the Ministry of Education of RK 3 articles have been published and 5 articles are in press (to be published in issue 4 of 2021 and issue 1 of 2022).
3 One article in publications with a non-zero impact factor with a CiteScore percentile in Scopus of at least 35 1 article was published in a peer-reviewed foreign scientific publication with a non-zero impact factor ‘Former Years’, which has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of 88
4 Four (4) lectures and expert meetings will be organised and held On 14 May, 23 June, 21 July and 25 August 2021, 4 online lectures and expert zoom meetings were held on the topic of the project
5 A theoretical part of a collective monograph will be written The theoretical part of the monograph will be written (2 p.l.)
6 A preliminary, draft version of 3D-reconstruction and maps of Kazakhstani cities will be created the following activities were carried out to create 3D-reconstructions and maps of Kazakhstani cities:

1) collected material, charts, plans and maps of cities of Northern and Southern Kazakhstan;

2) 2 cities with the most complete visual representations, the most maps and plans were selected;

3) A contract and technical specification has been concluded with the implementing organisation for the creation of 3D reconstruction and city maps;

4) expert historians of the research team are consulted with IT specialists;

5) a web mapping service has been initiated to place and link 3D models of historical sites and buildings to the web map.

Study results (publications):

According to the project of ME RK for 2021 is fulfilled:

Calendar Section No. 2. Approbation of preliminary results of the research, writing publications on the research topic:

3 articles were published in domestic and equivalent editions recommended by CQASE ME RK:

1. Sultangazy G.Zh. City and intellectuals of the turn of XIX-XX centuries (historiographical aspect”) // Bulletin of ENU. Historical Series. – 2021. — №1. – P.107-119. DOI:

2.Sultangazy G.Zh. The Political Environment of the Cities of Northern Kazakhstan at the Cusp of the 19th–20th Centuries // Izvestiya Altai State University. Historical Sciences and Archaeology Series. — 2021. — №4. DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)6-07.

3. Nurbayev Zh.Ye., Nurbayeva S.B. (2021). Urban realm and temple construction of the Russian Orthodox Church on the cusp of 19th and 20th centuries (based on photographic documents of Kostanay city). Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2021. (3(55)). 32-42.

Calendar section No. 2.1. Preparing and writing articles for publication in international highly rated scientific publications:

The article ‘Social Transformation of the Siberian Cossackdom within the Formation of the Urban Area of Northern Kazakhstan on the Cusp of the XIX-XX centuries’ (Zhaslan Ye. Nurbayev, Gulmira Zh. Sultangazy, Lepuda K. Mukatayeva) was published in the 2nd June issue of the peer-reviewed foreign scientific publication with non-zero impact factor ‘Bylye Gody’ with CiteScore percentile in Scopus 88 // Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(2): 850-860. DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.2.850. Access mode:

Calendar section No. 2.2. Participation in conferences, other scientific events of international level, including in the Russian Federation:

Members of the research group took part in international scientific-practical conferences, according to the results of which 2 articles were published in conference proceedings:

1. Nurbaev J.E., Isenov O.I., Nurbaeva S.B. Qazіrgі kezezezgі kórnekі derek kózderdі zertteýdіń teorııalyq-tarıhnamalyq negіzderі / ‘Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy Táýelsіzdіzdіgіne 30 jyl: tarıhı baǵdary, damý belesterі jáne bolashaǵy’ XVIII Halyqaralyq Eurasia ǵylymı forumsń materıaldary. Volume III. Nur-Sultan: ENU named after L.N. Gumilev , 2021. – 557. (p.146-150).

2. Mýkataeva L.K., Sýltangazy G.J. Goroda stepnogo kraıa rýbeja XIX-XX vekov: voznıknovenıe, razvıtıe, fýnktsıı / «Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy Táýelsіzdіgіne 30 jyl: tarıhı baǵdary, damý belesterі jáne bolashaǵy» XVIII Halyqaralyq Eýrazııa ǵylymı forýmynyń materıaldary. II tom. Nur-Sultan: ENU named after L.N. Gýmılev, 2021. – 557 p. (p.497-500).

Foreign scientist Stas I.N. participated in 2 international scientific conferences held in the Russian Federation:
1. 21 September 2021 with a report on ‘Theory and practice of urbanisation in the post-Soviet space (the case of Kazakhstan)’ spoke at the VIII International Siberian Historical Forum ‘200 years of Yenisei province and 120 years of Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organisation “Russian Geographical Society”;
2. 14-16 October 2021 participated in the International Scientific Conference ‘The Space of Great Experiments’ in Tobolsk with a paper on ‘Discussions on false urbanisation’.


Nurbaev Zhaslan Eseevich
Project leader - , Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies of ENU L.N. Gumilev. Author identifiers: — Scopus Author ID — — Researcher ID —; — ORCID —
Stas Igor Nıkolaevıch
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian History, Surgut State University. I.N. Stas was and is the head of three research grants on historical urbanistics.
Sýltangazy Gýlmıra Zholmagambetovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of General Education Disciplines, MNU
Medesheva Izathan Belhodjaevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Museum of
Mukataeva Lepuda Karimkizy
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of General Education Disciplines, MNU
Iskakov Temirtas Kazbekovich
Master of Arts (Architecture)
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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