Seminar on implementation of Agile methodology in diploma project management

October 13, 2016. MNU with the support of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Kazakhstan for coordinators of educational programmes, academic supervisors and other members of the Scrum teams being created held a seminar on the introduction of Agile methodology in diploma project management.

During the introductory part of the seminar, Michael Adams, Consulting Services Director at PwC Kazakhstan, explained the content and importance of the Agile methodology in project management. As Michael pointed out, the main advantage of Agile is the ability to respond quickly to changes in practice and the high quality of the results obtained.

In the main part of the seminar, the Deputy Chairman of the Board – Director of the Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences named after S. Zimanov – Miras Daulenov explained the need to introduce Agile methodology in the management of diploma projects at KAZGUU. The main solutions required to be applied with respect to qualitative formation of a portfolio of thesis project topics, preparation of project terms of reference, correct determination of project quality indicators, creation of Scrum teams and organisation of Scrum discussions were also explained.

In his turn, Sergey Pen, Director of Law School, revealed the methodology of preparing research cases aimed at developing students’ analytical and critical thinking skills. At the same time, Sergey Gennadyevich noted the need for students to obtain such skills as a condition for the formation of a graduate model of KAZGUU University.

In the final part of the seminar, the teachers were able to ask questions and use their examples to show the necessity of teamwork in the process of preparing thesis projects.
