Socio-psychological peculiarities of perception of external and internal migrants by the host society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Field of Science: Social Sciences. Psychology and the cognitive sciences. Social Psychology.


Description: Global changes taking place in the world and in the country aggravate the economic situation of people who are forced to change their place of residence for socio-economic and political reasons in search of better living conditions. At the same time, people moving to another city or country face the fact that the residents of the host country disapprove of migrants because they see them as a threat to personal and national security.

The implementation of the project will allow to study the socio-psychological features of migrants’ perception, including the substantiation of recommendations aimed at reducing xenophobia in society and the formation of a tolerant attitude towards migrants through the implementation of steps aimed at forming a benevolent attitude towards migrants.


Samekin Adil Serikpayevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of Doctor of Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education of the ME of RK, MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY JSC
Kotsur Patrick
PhD, Assistant Professor, Durham University (UK, Durham), methodological support for the study
Bolatov Aidos Kanatovich
Physician-geneticist, NJSC ‘Astana Medical University’, chief specialist of the centre for development of research activities, member of American Psychological Association
Bekbayev Asylkhan Zhalaushanovich
Master of Biology, NJSC ‘Astana Medical University’, Chief Specialist of the Centre for Development of Research Activities
Madina Sergeevna Gerasimova
Independent researcher
Bozymbaeva Nazym Altaiqyzy
Master's student of the first year EP ‘Counselling Psychology’, Research Assistant MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY JSC