World Bank and MoJ RK Project ‘Strengthening Forensic Expertise’

Since October 2016, KAZGUU University, together Key Forensic Services Ltd (KFS), King’s College London (KCL), QPA Strategies Ltd. (QPA) and Astana Garant Consulting (AGC) launched the ‘Strengthening Forensic Expertise’ project of the World Bank and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The Project includes three components:

Component A: ‘Developing and piloting forensic performance indicators’.


This component plans to study the practice of forensic and medical expertise in Kazakhstan in the context of international experience, develop forensic performance indicators, develop a User’s Guide on forensic performance indicators, and organise and hold a number of international conferences on forensic issues. See the presentation.


Component B: ‘Modernisation of the legislative and institutional framework for forensic science’.

The results of this component will be presented in the form of proposals to supplement the draft law of the RK ‘On Forensic Expert Activity’. See the presentation.


Component C: ‘Professional development of expert staff’.

During the implementation of this component, professional development trainings of local experts in foreign universities and expert institutions will be organised. See the presentation.

The Strengthening Forensic Science project is a two-year project that will run until December 2018.



The project support team from KAZGUU University consists of:

Name Position Contacts
1 Daulenov Miras Mukhtarovich Deputy Chairman of the Management Board

+7 (7172) 70-28-12

вн. 1003

2 Kudaibergenov Galymzhan Bayankulovich Deputy Chairman of the Management Board

+7 (7172) 70-30-09

вн. 1014

3 Seitenov Kaliollah Kabaevich Director of the Institute of Forensic Expertise

+7 (7172) 70-28-62

вн. 1191

4 Pen Sergey Gennadievich Director for the School of Law

+ (7172) 70-30-38

вн. 1078

5 Bektibaeva Olga Sergeevna UGP Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

+(7172) 70-30-45

6 Galym Makhmedjanov Director of the QIDS Institute for Socio-Economic Research
