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Centre for Islamic and Kazakh Law

About the Centre

On September 1, 2022, the ‘Centre for Islamic Law’ was opened.

Aim of the Centre: Research and scientific comprehension of the continuity nature of Islamic law and laws of the Kazakh khanate.

Objectives of the Centre include research of manuscripts and written sources of Kazakh law of the pre-revolutionary period, mainly written in Chagatai, Arabic, Farsi, and etc.

The staff of the Centre:

Sabdin A. K., Director of the Centre
Sandybaev J. S., Deputy Director, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Nysanbayev S. Zh., Specialist
Alshimbayev K. M., Specialist

Ongoing projects

  • Theory and methodology of Islamic Law (Usul al-fiqh);
  • Principles of Islamic Law (Qawa’id fiqhiyyah);
  • Islamic Family Law (Munakahat);
  • Islamic Financial Law (Hukuk Malia);
  • Manuscripts of Kazakh Law;
  • Legal/normative pluralism, etc.

Completed projects

  1. The Centre provided 3 scholarships for Master’s degree programmes.
  2. Based on a well-known book in Islamic law called ‘Majalla’ (Islamic Code), a work entitled ‘Islamic Law and its General Rules’ has been prepared and submitted for further publication. This work is intended both for jurists and students of Islamic and religious studies, as well as doctoral students of Islamic studies and clerics (imams).
  3. The translation and editing of selected chapters of the fundamental book of Islamic law, Kanz al-Daqaik, is in progress.
  4. A book entitled ‘The Notion of Corruption in Islamic Law’ is in preparation.
  5. The semantic translation of the Holy Quran into Russian has been published. (Sabdin, A., Aliuly, B., Samiev, E. Astana: Centre of Islamic law and MNU, 2nd edition, 2023 – 616 pp. ISBN 978-601-7980-40-5)
  6. Publication of research articles entitled ‘Problems of the civil state in the philosophy of al-Farabi’ and ‘The Quran as a philosophy of law’ in such journals as ‘Adam alemi’, ‘KazUU Khabarshysy’, which are on the list of scientific editions of the Ministry of Education.
  7. The book collection was enriched through the acquisition of 200 books on Islamic law (in Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek, Arabic, English and Turkish).
  8. Studies of manuscripts telling about the statehood of Kazakhstan and its history in the era of the Karakhanids, the Golden Horde and the Kazakh Khanate in the libraries ‘Suleymaniye’, ‘Manuscripts Millet’ and ‘Ottoman Manuscript Archive’ of Istanbul city of the Turkish Republic have been carried out.

Student organizations

  • Scientific club ‘Kazak halkynyn dasturі men adet-gurpy’
  • Religious Security Discussion Club (in Russian)
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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