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The Scientific School of Theory and Philosophy of Law

About the Scientific School

The Scientific School of Theory and Philosophy of Law was established in 2022 to conduct scientific research in the field of modern theory of law and state, as well as to study the philosophical foundations of legal science and to develop the methodology of scientific research in the field of law.


The main function of the Scientific School is to maintain international dialogue with leading foreign universities in terms of approbation of the results of scientific research, implementation of cooperation and joint projects, preparation of proposals to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The main directions of the School are:

  • increasing the interest of students to conduct theoretical-legal and philosophical-legal research;
  • development of educational courses on theoretical-legal and philosophical-legal problems at all levels of training, students;
  • organisation of various scientific forums in order to activate research thought on relevant topics of theory and philosophy of law in Kazakhstan;


International partners of the Scientific School include scientific institutes and universities in Europe (Max Planck Institute, University of Bremen, Sofia University, Jagiellonian University), universities in the post-Soviet countries (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Russia), professional scientific associations in the USA, Canada and Great Britain.


The preferred areas of research:

  • Theory of State and Law
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Comparative Law
  • Law-making and Law enforcement
  • The language of Law
  • Methodology of Law
  • Readability of legal provisions (readability of law)


The staff of the School:

Didikin Anton Borisovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor at MNU, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Law and State
  • Indira Uralovna Aubakirova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Assistant Professor MNU, Honoured Lawyer of Kazakhstan
  • Kalisheva Zhannetta Gaisovna, PhD, Professor Emeritus
  • Rustemova Ainura Kayratovna, Research assistant, MSc, Senior Lecturer MNU
  • Nurmagambetova Aliya Bakhytzhanovna, Senior Lecturer, LLM

Ongoing projects

  • The research project ‘Readability of Law’;
  • Research project: ‘Philosophical and legal bases of law-making and law-enforcement activity’.
  • Research project: ‘Theory of legal language’
  • Theory of State and Law (preparation of a textbook for undergraduates)
  • Club ‘Legislator’ (including in the framework of cooperation with the Institute of Parliamentarism of the RK, PF ‘Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan’, Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

  1. Didikin, A. B. Analytic philosophy of law: origins, genesis and structure. Tomsk: Tomsk State University Publishing House, 2016. 244 p.;
  2. Aubakirova, I.U. Modern Eurasian model of public administration: political and legal dimension. Moscow: Zertsalo-M, 2016. 416 p.
  3. Didikin, A. B. International Financial Centre in the Republic of Kazakhstan // In the book: Institutions of public power in the conditions of globalisation. Collective monography. М. : INFRA-M, 2020. С. 224-234
  4. Didikin, A. B. Boundaries of application of logical analysis in the epistemology of law // In the book: How is logic in law possible? Collective monography. Edited by Antonov, M. V., Lisanyuk, E. N., Tonkov, E. N. St. Petersburg: Aleteia, 2021. Chap. 14. p. 299-311;
  5. Aristotelian Society: 140 years of philosophical dialogues / Edited by Didikin, A. B. М. Prospect, 2021.
  6. Didikin, A.B., Surovtsev, V.A., Ogleznev, V.V. Analytical Philosophy of Law. The Theory of Linguistic Meaning, Wittgenstein and the Boundaries of Law. Collective monography. Moscow, Canon +, 2023
  7. Aubakirova, I.U. cooperation with the Department of State and Law Theory of MSU ‘Law. Order. Values’. M.:Prospect, 2023 (Collective monography).
Textbooks and training manuals
  1. Didikin, A. B. History and methodology of analytical jurisprudence: textbook. M: Prospect Publishing House, 2020. 136 p.;
  2. Didikin, A. B. Hans Kelsen’s Philosophy of Law. Study guide. M.: Prospect Publishers, 2021;
  3. Theory of State and Law: Textbook for law schools and faculties (collective of authors) / Edited by Isakov, V.B. М. : NORMA, INFRA-M, 2020;
  4. Theory of state and law: game-practice (collective of authors) / Edited by Isakov, V.B. M.: NORMA, INFRA-M, 2020;
  5. Theory of state and law: a workshop (a team of authors) / Under the general ed.: Isakov, V. B. M.: NORM, INFRA-M, 2020.
Articles 2022-2023.
  1. Didikin, A. B., Nochevnaya, V.V. Philosophical Foundations of the Legal Language // Wisdom. 2022. Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 185-192 . DOI: (Web of Science, Scopus);
  2. Didikin, A.B. Moral principles and legal behaviour: analysis of the linguistic concept of Richard Haar // Law and State. 2022. №2. p. 6-17 (with the publication of the English translation of section 1.4 of chapter 1 of Richard Haar’s book ‘The Language of Morality’);
  3. Didikin, A.B. On the nature of the duty to comply with the law: the arguments of Joseph Raz’s exclusive legal positivism // Law and State. 2022. №4. p. 19-35
  4. Didikin, A.B., Trinitka, D.G. Ethical and legal dilemmas of the global pandemic era // Theoretical and Applied Jurisprudence. 2022. № 3 (13). p. 31-37.
  5. Didikin, A.B. Epistemology of Bertrand Russell: on the way to neutral monism // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity. 2022. Т. 7. № 1. С. 84-90.p
  6. Didikin, A.B., Nehaev, A.V. Sensual data and perception of external objects in early analytical philosophy: arguments of J. Moore and B. Russell // Analytic Philosophy: Trajectories of History and Vectors of Development. Collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the scientific director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS V.V. Tselischev. Novosibirsk, 2022. P. 103-110.
  7. Didikin, A.B. ‘’Fundamental rule‘’ as a category of thinking in Hans Kelsen’s neo-Kantian philosophy of law // Transcendental turn in modern philosophy – 7. Epistemology, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. Collection of theses of the international scientific conference. Moscow, 2022. P. 57-59.
  8. Didikin, A.B. Logic of ‘pure cognition’ and normativism (from G. Cogen to G. Kelsen) // Scientific Works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Moskow, 2022. p. 27-31.
  9. Didikin, A.B. Linguocentrism and the problem of normativity in law // Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, devoted to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of U.S. Seitov ‘The development of modern legal science: theory and practice’ Kazakhstan, Kosshy, 2023. p. 580-585.
  10. Kalisheva, J.G. ‘The democratisation process has affected important aspects of the electoral system’, 09 February 2023.
  11. Kalisheva, J.G. ‘Theoretical and practical value of scientific ideas and proposals of Professor Baimakhanov M.T. on the issues of legal statehood in sovereign Kazakhstan’ // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of Academician of the NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, First Chairman of the First Constitutional Court of the RK, Baimakhanov M.T. on the topic ‘The establishment of the rule of law and civil society in New Kazakhstan: theory, practice and prospects of development’. Baimakhanov M.T., collection of materials.pdf ( С. 95-98
  1. Kelsen, G. What is Justice? Transl. from English. Antonova, М.В., Didikin, A.B., Kraevsky, A. St. Petersburg, Aleph-Press, 2022.
  2. Haar, R. Moral Language. Chapter 1 ‘The imperative inclination.’ Part 4 ‘Decisions on the basis of principle’ (translated from English by Didikin, A.B.) // Law and State. 2022. №2. p. 17-30
  3. Russell, B. Definitions and Methodological Principles in the Theory of Cognition (Didikin, A.B., Trinitka, D.G.) // Omsk Scientific Newsletter. Series Society. History. Modernity. 2022. Т. 7. № 1. p. 91-96.

Scientific seminars

  • International workshop ‘Ways of Knowing Legal Reality’, MNU, May 30, 2023 (participants from Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia).
  • International Round Table ‘Making Sense of the Language of Law in Philosophy of Law and Rulemaking’, MNU, April 20, 2023 (participants from Germany, Israel, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia)
  • Round table on the 7-year term of one-time President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MNU, September 17, 2022.
  • International Round Table ‘Updated Constitution – the way of political modernisation of society development’, organised by Eurasian Technological University (Almaty), September 26, 2022.
  • International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Introduction of the Constitutional Court in Kazakhstan – an important step in building a just and legal state’ organised by the Academy of Advocacy and the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 19, 2022.
  • Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of the Supreme Court of the RK and MNU ‘Problems of the Kazakh language in the legal system and their solutions’, MNU, December 22, 2022.
  • Meetings of the Scientific Circle of Theory and Philosophy of Law, December 2022 – April 2023.
  • Meetings of the Scientific Club ‘Legislator’, February-May, 2023.
  • Parliamentary Hearing on ‘How to Change National Legislation to Ensure Fair Elections in Kazakhstan’, April 25, 2023.
  • Webinar ‘Elections to Majilis and Maslikhat, problems of ensuring equal election rights of candidates’, April 26, 2023.
  • Round table ‘Legislative activity of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK’ with Magerramov M. M. – Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of VIII convocation, Secretary of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform, MNU, April 27, 2023.
  • Round table ‘Legal Consciousness of Citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan’ with the President of PF ‘Fund for the Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan’, ex-senator Batalova Z.K., MNU, April 28, 2023.
  • International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, First Chairman of the First Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baimakhanov M.T. ‘Establishment of the rule of law and civil society in New Kazakhstan: theory, practice and prospects of development’, Al-Farabi KazNU, May 05, 2023.
  • Parliamentary hearings on ‘How to change legislation to ensure reduction of non-communicable diseases caused by smoking’ within the framework of amendments to the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Health Issues’, May 12, 2023.
  • ‘Festival of Law’ to celebrate the 30th anniversary of MNU (KAZGUU), March, 2024.
  • Research Workshop on ‘IFCA Law as a Legal Phenomenon’, October 7, 2022.

Student Organizations

Scientific Club of Theory and Philosophy of Law

  • developing research skills of students
  • implementation of scientific projects
  • preparation for conferences
  • discussion of contemporary scientific articles on the subject of the club
  • guest lectures


Legislator Club

  • research on lawmaking and the development of parliamentarism in the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • masterclasses by experts on lawmaking and parliamentary law issues
  • participation in competitions and conferences
  • internships in government agencies and civil society institutions
  • conducting the ‘Model Majilis’ project with the participation of MNU students and experts of the PF ‘Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan’.
  • ‘Street law’ project with PF ’Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan’
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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