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General requirements for graduation

A student who passes the final attestation and confirms that he/she has mastered the educational program of higher and (or) postgraduate education, by the decision of the attestation commission is awarded the degree of “Bachelor” or “Master” or is given the qualification of the corresponding educational program and is given free of charge diploma with diploma supplement within five days from the date of issuance of the Order on Graduation.


The diploma supplement (transcript) shall contain the latest grades pursuant to the grade-rating letter system for all academic disciplines, completed coursework (projects), research or experimental research, types of professional practices, final attestation with an indication of their volume in academic credits and hours.


A student who has passed the exams with grades A, A- “excellent”, B-, B, B +, C + “good” and having an average grade point achievement (GPA) of not less than 3.5, as well as those, who passed a comprehensive exam or defended a thesis (project) with grades A, A- “excellent”; shall be issued a diploma with honors (without taking into account the grades for additional types of training).


A student who had retaken the courses or exams during the course of study cannot receive an honors degree.

Upon completion of study, Maqsut Narikbayev University awards academically outstanding students with honor degrees. There are three degrees: with honor (Cum laude), with great honor (Magna cum laude) and with the highest honor (Summa cum laude).


The degree with distinction is noted in the diploma of its own sample:

  • – to obtain the Summa cum laude diploma (with the highest honor), the student shall gain 4.0 GPA;
  • – to receive the Magna cum laude diploma (with great honor), the student shall gain 3.8 – 3.9 GPA, and have “good” and “excellent” marks;
  • – to receive the Cum laude diploma (with honor), the student shall gain 3.5 – 3.7 GPA, and have “good” and “excellent” marks.


A student who has received an “unsatisfactory” grade according to final attestation is expelled from Maqsut Narikbayev University by the order of the Provost, as “not fulfilling the requirements of the educational program” and “not having defended thesis (project), or master’s thesis (project)” or “not having passed a comprehensive exam”.


The re-pass of comprehensive examination and re-defense of master’s thesis for persons who received “unsatisfactory”, in the current final attestation is not allowed.


A student who does not pass the final attestation, in the next academic period appeals to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University, but no later than two weeks prior the beginning of the final attestation of the following academic year, to re-take final attestation. Permission to re-take final attestation is documented by the order of the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University.


A student can re-take only those forms of final attestation according to which he received unsatisfactory grades.


The list of disciplines for state exams for people who have not passed these exams is determined by the curriculum that was valid in the year of graduation.


The requirements to receive Bachelor’s degree for the educational program is prescribed in the Catalogues of Schools.

Bachelor’s degree requirements for graduation

A student can be qualified for a bachelor’s degree if he/she completes 248 academic credits including 8 academic credits in the discipline “Physical Education”, and defense of the project “Creativity, Service, Intelligence” (for those entered in 2019).


The project “Creativity, Service, Intelligence” is not assigned academic credits, and must be passed within 1-6 semesters (for those entered in 2019 and further).

Master’s degree requirements for graduation

The main criterion for completing studies in master’s programs is the mastery of:

1) in scientific and pedagogical master’s degree at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of a graduate student;
2) in the master’s program of core direction, 60 academic credits with a study period of 1 year and 90 academic credits with a study period of 1.5 years.


The student who has passed the final attestation and confirmed the development of the educational program of the postgraduate education, by the decision of the attestation commission is awarded the degree of “Master” and a diploma with a diploma supplement is issued free of charge within five days from the date of issuance of the Order on Graduation.


The Diploma Supplement (transcript) shall contain the latest grades pursuant to the grade-rating letter system for all academic disciplines, completed coursework (projects), research or experimental research, types of professional practices, final attestation with an indication of their amount in academic credits and hours.


Re-defense of a master’s thesis (project) in order to improve the grade is not allowed.


Re-defense of a master’s thesis to students who received “unsatisfactory” grade is not allowed in the period of final attestation.

Master’s degree requirements for graduation of MNU Law school

To obtain the master’s degree in the graduate educational programs of MNU Law School, the student shall meet the following criteria:

  • – master 60 ECTS in the master’s program of core direction – 1 year of study, 90 ECTS in the master’s program of core direction;
  • – 1.5 years of study, and 120 ECTS in scientific and pedagogical master’s program – 2 years of study;
  • – gain at least 2.0 GPA;
  • – have no academic debt.

Master’s degree requirements for graduation of the International School of Economics

To obtain the master’s degree in the graduate educational programs of the International School of Economics, the student shall meet the following criteria:

  • – GPA 2.67 or higher;
  • – successfully obtain 120 ECTS (scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years of study), 60 ECTS (core direction – 1 year of study), 90 ECTS (core direction – 1.5 years of study);
  • – successfully complete practice (industrial practice for master students of core direction (1-1.5 years), teaching and research practice for master students of scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years);
  • – defend master’s thesis (project).

Master's degree requirements for graduation of Business School

To obtain the degree of “Master of Business Administration” in the graduate educational programs of Business School, the student shall meet the following criteria:

  • – 60 academic credits/ECTS — 1 year of study for EMBA program and 120 academic credits/ECTS — 2 years of study for MBA program;
  • – GPA 2.0 or above;
  • – no financial debt;
  • – successful defense of master’s thesis (project).
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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