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General Provisions About Internship

Professional internship shall be a mandatory component of the educational program.


The types, terms, scope and content of internships are determined by Academic Policy, programs, as well as the Rules for Organization and Conduct of Professional internship on academic programs. A description of the internship on academic programs is included in the catalogs of higher schools.


Programs, rules for organizing and conducting professional internship in educational programs are approved by the Academic Quality Assurance Committee of the School.


Dates of professional internship are indicated in the academic calendar for the current academic year.


The form of the contract for internship is determined by the educational program.

The outcomes of the professional internship are assessed using a grade-rating letter system.

Professional Internship оf Bachelor Programme

Professional internship is divided into educational, pedagogical, industrial and pre-diploma internship.


Educational internship is organized for first-year students aiming at acquainting the students with the basis and social significance of the chosen profession, further consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge, developing students’ professional skills, and increasing motivation for professional activity.


Pedagogical internship is organized for second, third and fourth-year students and is carried out with the aim of developing the practical skills necessary in pedagogical activity.


Industrial internship is organized for second, third- and fourth-year students aiming at obtaining professional skills in the main educational program, developing independent work skills in the workplace and gaining organizational work experience.


Pre-diploma internship is carried out at the graduation year in order to collect empirical data for research project and complete specific tasks related to the writing of the research project, and is included in the total volume credits allocated to industrial internship.


The content of the pre-diploma internship is determined by the theme of the research project. Pre-diploma internship is carried out in the period of industrial internship and is given credits allocated to industrial internship.

The supervision of the pre-diploma internship is usually carried out by the supervisor of the diploma project.

The outcomes of the pre-diploma internship are summed up at the preliminary presentation of the research project or by the supervisor.

Professional internship can be introduced into the academic process both independent from the academic period, and within the academic period.

The duration of internship of the bachelor’s degree is determined in weeks based on the standard time that student spends at work in a week, which is equal to 30 hours (6 hours a day with a 5-day working week).

The outcomes of professional internship are taken into account when summing up the results of mid-term assessment.

The procedure for selecting and evaluating internship places, developing a methodology and assessing competencies and results of the practice is determined by each School.

Organizations shall be defined as bases for professional internship of students, if their statutory activities correspond to the profile of personnel training and the requirements of the educational program, if they have qualified personnel to manage professional internship and the material-technical base.

Students undergo professional internship in Nur-Sultan city. A list of internship bases is determined by the corresponding structural units of Schools (Internship, career and employment center).


It is allowed to have internship outside the city of Nur-Sultan in cases if:

1. a student, entered into an employment contract with an organization, which is a internship base, for the purpose of further employment. Upon completion of internship, the student is required to provide a copy of the employment contract and the pension fund (ENPF) statement (with the student’s consent);
2. a student takes internship at organizations which are accredited partners of the School;
3. in exceptional circumstances, a student has the right to appeal to the Academic Quality Assurance Committee to obtain permission to internship outside Astana.

A student submits an application and supporting documents for obtaining permission to internship outside Astana, usually no later than a month prior the beginning of professional internship.

Full-time distance learners, working in their specialties can take professional internship (academic, pedagogical or industrial) at their workplaces only with the permission of the Academic Quality Assurance Committee. At the same time, students writing the research project take pre-diploma internship. Upon completion of the professional internship, the student appeals to the Academic Quality Assurance Committee to award him/her credits for internship.

Full-time distance learners who do not work in their degree fields are required to take professional internship at internship bases determined by their School.

Schools plan and organize all types of professional internship, conclude agreements with enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership for students’ practices, and perform other types of work as defined by the Rules for Organization and Conduct of Professional Practice.

The manager/coordinator of the School publishes the Rules for Organization and Conduct of Professional Practice in Canvas LMS prior the beginning of the professional internship to allow students to prepare for internship, provides consultations in accordance with the internship program, monitors the progress of students, checks the intermediate and final reports uploaded to Canvas LMS, checks them for plagiarism in “Turnitin”, conducts correspondence with students, etc.

Student gets access to the posted materials on the internship submits intern and final reports on the implementation of the internship program in Canvas LMS.

The management of professional internship is carried out by teachers, practitioners, managers/coordinators with higher and/or postgraduate education in the related field.

Professional Internship of Master’s Programmes

The educational program of the master’s degree in scientific and pedagogical direction includes two types of internships that are conducted simultaneously with theoretical training or in a separate period:

  1. pedagogical internship in the cycle of basic disciplines (BD) – at Maqsut Narikbayev University;
  2. research internship in the cycle of profiling disciplines (PD) – at the place of the dissertation.


Pedagogical internship is conducted with the aim of developing practical skills in teaching and learning. In this case, master students are attracted to conduct classes as assistant teachers at Maqsut Narikbayev University.


The research internship of the master students is conducted in order to familiarize them with the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data.


The educational program of the master’s program includes practical training in the PD cycle.


The manager/coordinator of the School places in Canvas LMS the Rules for Organization and Conduct of Professional Internship, checks the intermediate and final reports uploaded to Canvas LMS, checks them for plagiarism in “Turnitin”, conducts correspondence with students of the master’s program of the core direction. The master student gets access to the posted materials on the internship, submits interim and final reports on the implementation of the internship program in Canvas LMS.


Practical training in the PD cycle is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process, the acquisition of practical skills, competencies and professional experience in the master’s educational program, as well as the development of advanced experience.


The supervision of scientific internships, research internships of master students and doctoral candidates is carried out by candidates or doctors of sciences, PhD candidates and doctors of profile, or by holders of academic degrees (associate professor (docent), professor) who are actively engaged in scientific research, and/or scientists, practitioners with scientific publications in the relevant fields.


The internship program, internship bases, terms and form of the report for internship are included in the individual work plan of the master student, which is developed under the supervision of the adviser.

Professional Internship of Doctoral Programmes

Doctoral education programs in terms of vocational training shall be developed on the basis of studying the experience of foreign universities and research centers that implement accredited training programs for PhDs or doctors of profile.


The internship is carried out in order to develop practical skills of scientific, research, pedagogical and professional activities.


The doctoral education program shall include:

1) teaching and research internship – for students in the PhD program;

2) industrial internship – for students in the profile doctoral program.


During reaching internship doctoral students are encouraged to conduct classes in the undergraduate and graduate programs as well as teaching full courses.


The research internship of the doctoral candidate is carried out with the purpose of studying the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science, as well as consolidating practical skills, applying modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpreting experimental data in the dissertation research.


The internship of the doctoral candidate is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process, and to improve the professional level.


The content of research and industrial internship is determined by the topic of the doctoral dissertation.


The internship, internship bases, terms and form of the report for internship are included in the individual work plan of the doctoral student, which is developed for the entire training period.

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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