General Requirements

Students can be transferred from one university to another one or readmitted only during summer and winter breaks.


A student is transferred or readmitted after expulsion if he or she has fully completed the first academic period (semester, trimester, quarter) of the program according to the individual plan.

Those expelled from the student body are readmitted to Maqsut Narikbayev University.


Readmission to the bachelor’s program is allowed over the course of 5 years from the date of expulsion, readmission to the master’s program is allowed over the course of 2 years from the date of expulsion.


Students are readmitted to the corresponding academic year and only on a paid basis.


Those, studying on a fee-paying basis and expelled during the semester for failure to pay tuition fees, in case of debt redemption, have the right for readmission within four weeks from the date of expulsion.


A student has to take entrance examinations in basic and / or major courses, which are approved by the order of the Dean of a Higher School based on the decision of a relevant Academic Quality Assurance Committee.


In case of scoring the required number of points on the entrance exams (50% or more), providing all the documents and receiving permission of the Dean of the School for transfer, a student is required to submit an application to the MNU Registrar office addressed to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for admission on a transfer basis.


Those, who have studied in Kazakhstani universities, when being transferred have to provide the following documents: 

  1. a transfer application to Maqsut Narikbayev University approved by the head of a university where an applicant (undergraduate / master / doctoral (PhD) student) has previously studied; 
  2. the original of transcript; 
  3. a copy of document on the previous education (school-leaving certificate, certificate on completion of technical and vocational education, higher education diploma); 
  4. a copy of Unified National Testing certificate (for undergraduate programs), a copy of Comprehensive Testing (for master degree students), a copy of Entrance Examinations certificate (for doctoral (PhD) students); 
  5. the identity card; 
  6. а copy of university license. 


Those, who have studied in Kazakhstani universities, when being readmitted have to provide the following documents: 

  1. the original of transcript; 
  2. the original or a copy of document on the previous education (school-leaving certificate, certificate on completion of technical and vocational education, higher education diploma); 
  3. the original or a copy of Unified National Testing certificate (for undergraduate programs), a copy of Comprehensive Testing (for master degree students), a copy of Entrance Examinations certificate (for doctoral (PhD) students); 
  4. extracts from orders for enrolment , transfer from course to course  and expulsion from the university; 
  5. the identity card;
  6. а copy of university license.


Those, who have studied in foreign educational institutions, when readmitted have to provide the following documents: 

  1. a document on the covered educational programs (academic record, transcript); 
  2. a certificate on results of entrance examinations; 
  3. documents on completion of previous education level (documents issued by foreign educational institutions have to undergo the nostrification procedure in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with Recognition and Nostrification Policy of Education Documents); 
  4. extracts from orders for enrolment, transfer from course to course and expulsion; 
  5. the identity card; 
  6. applicants, who have obtained secondary or technical and vocational education in the Republic of Kazakhstan when being transferred from a foreign university or readmitted, have to provide a UNT or CT certificate with a minimum score required (if any); 
  7. А сopy of license / university accreditation;
  8. letter of invitation (if any). 

Procedures of Transfer from Another University or Readmission

Prior to submitting an application, a student shall send an e-mail to (MNU SSC) with a request to determine the education trajectory and academic year for the planned educational program and scanned copies of documents.


The adviser/manager of a School shall:

  • – determine the academic difference (course prerequisites), the expected academic year on the basis of the provided documents and inform an applicant via e-mail;
  • – advise on the procedure for passing entrance examinations in basic and / or major courses;
  • – organize entrance examinations;
  • – inform an applicant and the registrar about applicant’s results of the entrance examinations;
  • – determine together with an applicant his or her educational trajectory and give a recommendation for registration.


In case of receiving a passing grade in entrance examinations (50 % and higher) and the permission of the Dean (Director) of the Higher School, an applicant personally (or his or her legal representative) should submit an application addressed to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University at MNU SSC for admission on a transfer basis.


In case of approval:

  • – a student is required to conclude a contract for commercial educational services and pay for the semester based on the planned number of academic credits to cover;
  • – the order for transfer admission of a student should be issued within five working days by the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University;
  • – it is necessary to submit a written request to the university where an applicant has previously studied for sending his/her personal portfolio.


After receiving such a request, the head of the university, where an applicant has previously studied, should issue an enrolment termination order wording “expelled due to transfer to (name of the university)”, and send the student portfolio to Maqsut Narikbayev University.


When students are transferred or readmitted, their learning outcomes are transferred by Academic Quality Assurance Committee of a Higher School in accordance with the adviser’s/manager’s recommendations.

Special Requirements for Transfer from Another University of MNU Law School

Master degree students have the opportunity to transfer from another university under the same educational program, or from a one-year program (60 ECTS) to a two-year program (120 ECTS) after successfully completing one semester and covering at least 20 ECTS credits. In order to transfer from one program to another, students should consult the post-graduate training manager to determine the difference in academic courses.

Special Requirements for Transfer from Another University of International School of Economics

Bachelor’s degree student when transferring to International School of Economics educational programs is obligatory:

  • – to take a test to determine the English language level (pass MNU English Placement test, and get at least 40% out of 100% for HSE educational programs) or provide a copy of IELTS certificate (Academic IELTS from at least 3.0 points or its equivalent TOEFL IBT/PBT);
  • – to pass a test for “Mathematics”, if a student does not have a positive grade in the “Mathematics” discipline. A student should get at least 25 out of 40 points for “Finance”, “Accounting and Audit”, “Economics” educational programs, at least 20 out 40 points for “IT in Business” educational program and at least 15 out of 40 points for “Management” educational program.


Master’s degree students have the opportunity to transfer from another university under the same educational program, or from a one-year study program (60 ECTS) to a two-year program (120 ECTS) after the successful completion of one semester and the mastery of at least 30 ECTS.

Special Requirements for Transfer from Another University or Readmission to MNU School of Liberal Arts

While enrolling in educational programs of MNU School of Liberal Arts with English as the language of instruction, an applicant has to provide an international certificate confirming the level of language proficiency in accordance with the tables below, or to confirm the required level of English language proficiency by passing KEPT entrance examination (MNU English Placement Test).


English Language Proficiency Requirements for Students Transferring from Another University or Another Education Programs Group or Readmitting to Educational Programs such as 6В02301 – Translation Studies and 6В02302 – Applied Linguistics.


Year English Language Level in Accordance with KEPT Results (CEFR) Academic IELTS TOEFL IBT/PBT, FCE/CAE (IELTS equivalent)
1 1st year Intermediate B1
(60 points and higher)
5,0 IBT 45
PBT 450
FCE 154
2 2nd year Advanced 7.0 and higher IBT 94
PBT 590
CAE 185
3 3rd year Advanced 8.0 and higher IBT 110
PBT 637
CAE 200



English Language Proficiency Requirements for Students Transferring to Educational Programs such as 6В11101 – Hospitality and 6B11102 – Tourism (with English as Language of Instruction).


Year English Language Level in Accordance with KEPT Results (CEFR) Academic IELTS TOEFL IBT/PBT, FCE/CAE (IELTS equivalent)
1 1st year Intermediate B1
(40 points and higher)
3,0 IBT 24
PBT 370
PET 120
FCE 140
2 2nd year Intermediate B1
(60 points and higher)
5.0 IBT 45
PBT 450
FCE 154
3 3rd year Intermediate B1
(65 points and higher)
5.5 IBT 59
PBT 496
FCE 162
CAE 162

Academic leave

Academic leave is provided to students:

1) due to illness – based on an opinion of the medical advisory commission at the outpatient organization for a period of 6 to 12 months;
2) in case of conscription for military service – based on a summons for conscription for military service;
3) after the birth or adoption of a child until the child reaches the age of three.

Academic leave is not granted to students for any other reason.


To apply for Academic leave, the student submits an application in the mobile app “Maqsut Narikbayev University” addressed to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University with the attachment of supporting documents.

The order on granting Academic leave to the student, indicating its start and end dates, is issued within three working days on the basis of the submitted documents.

Once the order on Academic leave is issued to the student, an order on suspension or change of the procedure for payment of the state scholarship is issued in respect of persons studying at the expense of the state educational grant in accordance with Decree No. 116 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 7, 2008.

General requirements

To apply for Academic leave, the student submits an application to the MNU Student Service Center and provides the following supporting documents:

1) opinion of the Medical Advisory Commission (hereinafter – MAC) at the outpatient organizations with a duration ranging from 6 to 12 months for a disease according to form 035-1/У of primary medical documentation of health care organizations, approved by Order No. 907 of the acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010, “On Approval of Forms of Primary Medical Documentation of Health Care Organizations”;

2) decision of the Centralized Medical Advisory Commission (hereinafter-CMAC) of an anti-tuberculosis organization in the case of tuberculosis with a duration of no more than 36 months in accordance with form ТБ 01/У -category IV of primary medical documentation of health care organizations, approved by Order No. 907;

3) summons for conscription for military service in the case of conscription for military service in accordance with Annex 4 of the Rules of Military Registration of Conscripts, approved by Order No. 28 of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 24, 2017;

4) birth certificate, adoption of a child until the child reaches the age of three according to the forms in Annexes 8 and 12 of Order No. 9 of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2015, “On Approval of the Forms of State Civil Registry Books and the Forms of Certificates Issued on the Basis of the Entries in These Books.”

Applying for Academic leave

The student submits an application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for Academic leave, attaching a supporting document.


The application is submitted through the Smart MNU.


In the case of a positive decision on the basis of the submitted documents, an order is issued within three working days to grant the student a Academic leave with an indication of its start and end dates.

General requirements

By the end of the period of academic leave specified in the order, the student is obliged to submit an application to withdraw the academic leave. In case of not submitting an application to withdraw academic leave within 15 calendar days from the date of the expiration date, the student may be expelled from Maqsut Narikbayev University as not starting studies on time.


Upon returning from academic leave, the student continues his/her studies in the year of study (and in academic period) that had been assigned before his/her academic leave.


A student on academic leave for medical reasons has to pass medical advisory commission again and provide the conclusion about the absence of contradictions to continue the study.

Procedure of applying to academic leave

When returning from academic leave, the student submits a corresponding application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University. Persons who have been granted academic leave for medical reasons, attach an opinion of the MAC on the absence of contraindications for continuing their studies.


The application is submitted through the Smart MNU.


In case of a positive decision on the basis of the submitted documents, an order is issued within three working days from the date of submission of the documents to return from academic leave.


When applying for return from academic leave, the student provides a transcript to the advisor (manager) and submits an application to determine the academic difference (prerequisites in the form of academic difference in the required courses).


The academic difference in the courses of the curricula is determined by comparing the programs of the studied courses (by catalogue and syllabus (if necessary)), academic credits/ECTS, reflected in the transcript.


If there is a difference, the student who has returned from academic leave registers for the required courses and studies them during the semester together with the current groups or studies these courses during summer or winter school.

General requirements

Transfer from one language of instruction to another one is carried out during summer and winter holidays (before the academic period).


The order on changing the language of instruction within 5 working days.

The procedure for transferring students from one language department to another

Before submitting the application, the student applies to the adviser/manager of the Higher School to receive a recommendation for registration for the disciplines and the formation of an individual curriculum.


After receiving the recommendation of the adviser/manager and the positive decision of the director of the School to transfer, a student submits an application to the Provost of the Maqsut Narikbayev University for transfer from one language department to another.

The application should be submitted before the beginning of upcoming academic period via the mobile app.


In case if a positive decision is made:

  • – the student pays the tuition fee for the semester based on the planned number of academic credits (according to the Register of the cost of educational services for the corresponding academic year);
  • – within five working days, an order is issued by the Provost of the Maqsut Narikbayev University on the transfer of a student from one language department to another.

General requirements

Transfer from one to another educational program is done during winter or summer holidays (before the academic period). Students may transfer only in the event of fully completing first academic period according to the individual curriculum and does not have financial debt.


The order on transfer from one educational program to another is issued within five working days.


1) application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for transfer from one educational program to another;

2) recommendation of the adviser/manager.

Transfer procedure from one educational program to another

Before submitting the application, the student submits a transcript to the advisor/manager of the School to which he/she plans to transfer and applies for a recommendation to form an individual curriculum. The requirements for educational program transfer are stipulated in the academic catalogues of the Schools.


Adviser/Manager of the School:

  • – determines educational trajectory and makes a recommendation for registration together with the applicant, informs the applicant by e-mail on the basis of the submitted documents;
  • – advises on the procedure for entrance exams (if the entrance requirements are provided by the educational program);
  • – organizes entrance exams;
  • – notifies the applicant and the registrar of the results of the entrance exams.


The student, after receiving the recommendation of the advisor/manager and the positive decision of the Director of the School for transfer, submits an application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for transfer from one educational program to another.


The application is submitted before the academic period in the mobile app.


In case of a positive decision:

  • – the student concludes an additional agreement to the agreement on the paid provision of educational services and pays for tuition in the semester, based on the planned number of academic credits (in accordance with the Educational Services Price Register for the current academic year);
  • – within five working days, the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University issues an order on the transfer of a student from one educational program to another.


When transferring a student, the transfer of academic performance is carried out by the Academic Quality Assurance Committee of the Higher School on the basis of the statement from the adviser/manager.

Additional requirements for the transfer of bachelor's and master's degree students-beneficiaries of an educational grant

Transfer of students with the preservation of the state educational grant is possible only within one group of educational programs.


A person studying at the expense of the state educational order, when transferring from one group of educational programs to another, from one form of education to another, renews the agreement for the provision of services on a paid basis.

General requirements

A student may be expelled from Maqsut Narikbayev University in the following cases:

1) for academic failure;

2) for violating the principles of academic integrity;

3) for violating the Internal Rules and the Charter of the University;

4) for violating the terms of the agreement on educational services, including for non-payment of tuition fees;

5) at his/her own request;

6) if the requirements of the educational program are not met: failure to defend the bachelor’s thesis (project) or master’s thesis (project) or failure to fulfill the requirements of the educational program: failure to pass the comprehensive exam.


The agreement provides individual cases leading to the termination of the agreement for educational services and the expulsion of the student from the University, which are not compatible with the principles of academic integrity.


A student, a holder of the educational grant, expelled from Maqsut Narikbayev University without transfer to another organization of higher and postgraduate education, loses the educational grant.


If students do not wish to continue their studies at Maqsut Narikbayev University (lack of registration for courses in the current semester), the student must notify Maqsut Narikbayev University in writing within three days (the application is submitted via Smart MNU mobile app).


Contractual relations with the student continue until the day of the publication of the corresponding order of the Provost on the expulsion from Maqsut Narikbayev University.


The student’s financial debt for educational services is repaid by the student on a voluntary basis or is collected through the court before issuing the order for expulsion.

Documents for self-expulsion

1) a copy of the identity card;

2) application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for expulsion;

3) completed online application form.

The procedure of expulsion from Maqsut Narikbayev University

Before submitting the application, the student is interviewed by a representative of the relevant School. Representatives from the School in the interview are:

  • – Dean of the MNU Law School;
  • – Vice Dean of the School of Liberal Arts;
  • – Adviser/Manager of the International School of Economics;
  • – Adviser/Manager of the International School of Journalism.


The student, after the interview, submits an application to the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University for expulsion and fills out an online application form for leaving the University.


The application is submitted via the mobile app.


Within five working days, the Provost of Maqsut Narikbayev University issues an order on the expulsion of the student from the University.


The student is obliged to hand over the proximity card and/or close the bank’s payment card, student and library card, pay off the existing financial debt to Maqsut Narikbayev University (for tuition fees, library, dormitory, etc.) before receiving the documents on expulsion.


The student, after fulfilling the terms of para. 3.4., is issued the following documents: the original certificate with an appendix, an extract from the order of expulsion, a transcript, a copy of the United National Testing (Comprehensive Testing) certificate.

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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