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Academic Methodological Association

AMA REMC - 'Law' direction

The activities of the AMA have been transformed into the Project Office

The Project Office – “Quality legal education” was created on the basis of the protocol decision of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the transition of the activities of the AMA in the “Law” direction to a new format of work.

Project Management Group (PMG)

Project Management Group (PMG) – is a team of representatives of higher educational institutions and law member-faculties of the AMA, employers of national and international law firms and companies and Employers’ Associations.

The PMG is responsible for facilitating the achievement of overall project goals and specific results of the team, managing the processes of development, planning, implementation and adjustment of projects, in accordance with the methodology and using project management tools.

The work of the Project Management Group will be carried out in the following areas:

  • • development of the portfolio of educational programmes;
  • • implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and global practices in combating academic dishonesty;
  • • access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications;
  • • creation of a center for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel;
  • • career and employment;
  • • textbooks with updated content.

Project Management Group - "Development of a portfolio of educational programs"

The project management group is aimed at developing a portfolio of educational programs at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels, taking into account the recommendations of employers (IT competencies, practice orientation, legal writing techniques, professional practice, etc.).  Representatives of authorized bodies, leading foreign and domestic companies will be involved in the work of the group and its further implementation. Additional major and minor educational programs will be developed as well.

Project Management Group - “Implementation of the principles of academic integrity based on good practices, standards of credit education technology and world practices in combating academic dishonesty”

Based on the recommendations of the Academic Integrity League, the standards of credit technology of education and world practices on countering academic dishonesty, the group implements the principles of academic honesty in the educational process and research activities. To do this, the Project Team is improving the education quality assurance system by implementing the principles of horizontal management, transparency and collegial decision-making. Special attention is paid to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic activities in accordance with the recommendations of the League.

Project Management Group - "Access to the legal profession through national and international accreditations and certifications"

The group promotes the issues of external assessment of students’ skills and competencies based on:

  • • employer ratings;
  • • professional standards issues;
  • • the industry qualification framework;
  • • implementation of national certification of legal personnel with an objective assessment of competencies;
  • • qualifications of specialists in the market of professional legal services.

Project Management Group - "Creation of a center for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel"

The project management group “Creation of a center for advanced training and retraining of legal personnel” is working to train young teachers with little work experience through the institute of internship, professional development, training and retraining of legal personnel.

Project Management Group - "Career and Employment"

Based on the recommendations of the Employers Council, the project group is working on issues related to analyzing the percentage of employment of graduates in educational programmes, monitoring the employment of graduates for six months, a year and three years after completion of studies. The group is also holding “Career Days” events, concluding agreements with Employer Associations.

Project Management Group - "Textbooks with updated content"

The project team analyzes the availability of textbooks and educational literature at universities, including the language of instruction and the year of graduation, forming requirements for the development of textbooks and educational literature (structure, volume, technical features, etc.). The project team draws up a thematic plan of publications, a list of necessary textbooks and educational and methodological literature in the field of Law.

Kazakhstan Universities report

"Justice must be strong, and strength must be fair"

Blaise Pascal

AMA Staff

Zhanetta Kalisheva
+7 (717) 270-30-22, int. 1090, 1051
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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