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Programme's School:
School of Liberal Arts




The Bachelor’s degree programme in Psychology aims to train highly qualified and competitive specialists in organisational, social, cognitive and counselling psychology who are proficient in modern methods of psychological research, diagnosis and impact on individuals and groups as a whole.

A graduate of the programme will be able to conduct both research activities in psychology and practical work in psychological care. Students can pursue an additional major in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Brand Analytics, HR Analytics, and Legal Psychology.


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Programme structure

The Psychology programme has been developed taking into account the best international and domestic practices and takes into account the requirements of the modern labour market for specialists in the field of psychology. The programme has been validated through the SLA Business Council, which is made up of employers and professionals in the field of practical psychology.

The programme is a full-time, 4-year programme and a shortened, 3-year programme according to the credit technology requirements of the Bachelor’s degree.

To complete the degree in 4 years, a student must complete 248 academic credits.

This form of education is provided for those entering on the basis of secondary education. Those entering after college (on the basis of secondary vocational education) have the opportunity to complete their studies in 3 years, having mastered 184 academic credits.

Each student has the opportunity to build their own individual learning trajectory. Full details of course content can be found in the Liberal Arts academic catalogue.



– Analyse and verify the completeness of information in the course of professional activities under conditions of uncertainty

— Evaluate the need for resources and plan their use in solving problems in professional activities.

– Search, select, analyse and process relevant information to solve scientific and professional problems through the use of modern technologies.

— Competently build communication based on the purpose and situation of communication.

— Critically evaluate and rethink the accumulated experience, reflect on professional and social activities.

— Perceive, recognise and critically evaluate their professional activities in terms of legal, ethical and professional standards.

– Evaluate psychological characteristics of individuals and groups using relevant methods/methodologies based on the objective.

— Identify the need for psychological interventions, prepare and conduct psychological interventions, and measure their effectiveness.

— Provide psychological support for the processes leading to the planning and conduct of psychological research.



One of the advantages of the educational programme is the possibility of obtaining an additional specialisation, which will allow students to expand the boundaries of employment.

School of Liberal Arts offers the following additional specialisations (minor/minors) for study:
• Cognitive-behavioural therapy;
• Brand Analytics;
• HR Analytics;
• Legal psychology.



• have admission requirements: GPA, prerequisite courses taken, etc.);
• consist of several disciplines studied sequentially;
• can be offered as a separate certification programme (for different categories of students);
• disciplines can be studied gradually in different academic periods (“cumulative system”) but sequentially to obtain the certificate;
• are chosen by the student independently from the school’s academic catalogue;
• may be studied as part of an educational programme (the credits for the disciplines of the minor are included in the 240 ECTS of the main programme) and/or in addition to the main educational programme;
• upon completion of the course completion requirements, the student will receive a certificate of completion of the certificate programme.


No more than two minors are permitted within the major programme of study. If a learner wishes to study more than two minors, they should apply to the SLA Academic Quality Committee.

If the requirements for completion of the certificate programme are not met, no certificate will be issued.

The period of training under certification programmes is not more than 5 years.

Credits for disciplines studied within the framework of the certification programme can be re-credited within the curriculum of educational programmes of MNU within 5 years from the date of registration for the discipline. After this period, the final grade for the course is invalid and the student must retake the course in order to receive credit for the course.


CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME

The CBT Minor Programme is a practical-theoretical foundation course from the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy series. In the course of training the participants of the programme will be able to obtain not only theoretical knowledge, master the methodology and basis of behavioural and cognitive psychology, elements of psychotherapy and psychological counselling, but also will be able to master the basic practical skills from the modern arsenal of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy and the types and methods of psychotherapy included in this direction.

The aim of the programme is professional training of competent CBT specialists who are able to effectively carry out correctional-psychological activities aimed at working with psychological disorders caused by dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaviour.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • explore the theoretical framework required to master the skills of the cognitive-behavioural paradigm.
  • to develop the basic skills of a CBT therapist in assessing a person’s behavioural characteristics using relevant techniques based on the objective.
  • to develop the ability to analyse client situations within a cognitive-behavioural approach.
  • apply methodological tools to conduct consultations within the framework of the cognitive-behavioural approach.
  • analyse clients’ dysfunctional underlying beliefs and automatic thoughts, and find adaptive responses to dysfunctional beliefs.


Code PROGRAMME Number of credits Language
Elective disciplines
OKPT 3111 Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 5 ru/kz
VVTTO 3217 Introduction to therapy and the therapeutic relationship 5 ru/kz
KRDU 3218 Conceptualization and restructuring dysfunctional beliefs 5 ru/kz
KTP 3219 Cognitive therapy 5 ru/kz
OPT 4220 Fundamentals of behavioral therapy 5 ru/kz
KPTTDR 4221 CBT for anxiety and depressive disorders 5 ru/kz


CBT for anxiety and depressive disorders

This program is aimed at training a specialist with knowledge of the theoretical and practical foundations of team management, methods of influencing people and making managerial decisions; able to competently select and evaluate personnel; competent in the analysis of HR databases and social research; with developed skills in management consulting.

Program objective: professional training of competent specialists in the field of HR analytics, who are able to effectively carry out psychological activities aimed at managing the organisation’s team, personnel selection and assessment, data analysis in HR and social research, as well as possessing management consulting skills.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • analyse managerial activity, structure of the organisation and efficiency of managerial decisions in the sphere of human capital management in the organisation;
  • apply psychological mechanisms in the analysis of various processes in an organization;
  • apply methods of managing the development and implementation of innovations in the organisation as a whole, in human resources work in particular;
  • apply methods of managing the development and implementation of innovations in the organisation as a whole, in work with personnel in particular;
  • explore data sets in HR and social research, applying cluster and regression analyses;
  • analyse modern models of management consulting; apply methods of analysis and correction of management mechanisms in an organisation;
  • implement methods of correction of organisational structure, organisational culture and management style.


Code PROGRAMME Number of credits Language
Elective disciplines
FMen 3112 Fundamentals of Management 5 ru/kz
IOP 3223 Organizational psychology 5 ru/kz
MPOP 3224 Methods of personnel selection and assessment 5 ru/kz
IMUP 3225 Innovative management in HR management 5 ru/kz
ADHRSI 4226 Data analysis in HR and Social Research 5 ru/kz
OUK 4227 Fundamentals of Management Consulting 5 ru/kz



The programme is aimed at teaching students the basics of marketing and social media analysis; it allows them to acquire basic knowledge in the field of employer brand management, psychological aspects of sales and advertising promotion, peculiarities of audio-visual technologies in advertising activities.

The aim of the programme is to train a specialist who will warn of a threat to reputation, highlight the main things in the media field, show information trends, create a dashboard and prepare a presentation report. The programme creates a clear understanding of the social media analytics process and its application to PR, marketing and functional areas of companies and organisations.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • analyse the company’s product and use marketing tools;
  • create systems of communicative messages using a variety of mass communication media;
  • master the skills to analyse and audit employer brand and own brand and manage reputation;
  • develop recommendations, forecasts (development, dynamics of important indicators) and marketing strategies;
  • use audiovisual content tools to promote the product;
  • master the psychological techniques of advertising a product or service;
  • apply theoretical concepts to analyse the usability of websites.


Code PROGRAM Number of credits Language
Elective disciplines
FMark 3113 Fundamentals of Marketing 5 ru/kz
MIK 3229 Marketing in Integrated Communications 5 ru/kz
UBR 3230 Employer Brand Management 5 ru/kz
AVTR 3231 Audiovisual technologies in advertising 5 ru/kz
PPRP 4232 Psychology of sales and advertising promotion 5 ru/kz
UAS 4233 Usability audit of websites 5 ru/kz



This minor is designed to teach students the fundamentals of dealing with psychology issues that arise in the practice of law. The programme provides practical work through the analysis of texts of medical and psychological examinations, methods of assessing the personality of the offender, development of victimological prevention measures and correction and rehabilitation programmes for persons with delinquent behaviour.


The aim of the programme is to train a specialist who will be able to apply psychological knowledge in addressing issues at the intersection of jurisprudence and psychology: planning victimological prevention; identifying questions that can be answered by an expert at the request of a judge, lawyer or prosecutor; developing correction and rehabilitation programmes for persons with deviant and delinquent behaviour.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • analyse legal information in the course of their professional activities;
  • understand the determinants and psychological mechanisms of deviant behaviour formation, apply methods of diagnostics, correction and prevention of deviation
  • analyse the psychological characteristics of the offender/criminal group;
  • identify methods and techniques for diagnosing the psychological characteristics of the offender;
  • organise and conduct general and individual crime victimisation prevention;
  • to carry out prophylaxis, prevention of offences and corruption, identify and eliminate causes and conditions conducive to their commission;
  • identify the necessary tools (methods) for conducting a medical and psychological assessment;
  • identify the main methods for solving each specific task (question) posed to the experts;
  • develop psycho-correctional programmes for persons with delinquent behaviour.


Code PROGRAM Number of credits Language
Elective disciplines
TSL 3114 General theory of law 5 ru/kz
PDP 3235 Psychology of deviant behaviour 5 ru/kz
Vict 3236 Victimology 5 ru/kz
MOLP 3237 Methods for assessing the personality of the offender 5 ru/kz
SPE 4238 Forensic Psychological Expertise 5 ru/kz
KRLDP 4239 Correction and rehabilitation of persons with delinquent behaviour 5 ru/kz


Speech Therapy
Brand Analytics
HR Analytics
Legal psychology


Adil Samekin
Associate Professor
Oksana Zinchenko
Teaching professor
Yerden Nurtayev
Teaching Professor
Assel Isakhanova
Teaching Professor
Marta Abdykalikova
Teaching Professor
Sabirova Raikhan
Teaching Professor
Bayankulova Saule
Teaching Professor
Aikyn Dyusembayev
Senior Lecturer
Ekaterina Paevskaya
Senior Lecturer
Daria Dymont
Senior Lecturer
Anargul Gabbasova
Senior Lecturer
Altynai Yermanova
Senior Lecturer
Gulnur Kuderova
Senior Lecturer
Marya Bekova
Senior Lecturer
Berzhanova Moldir
Senior Lecturer
Vladimir Poshatylyuk
Senior Lecturer
Anna Pozdeyeva
Senior Lecturer
Anara Bukharova
Senior Lecturer
Nazgul Bolatbekova
Senior Lecturer
Nursulu Belesova
Senior Lecturer
Anzhela Mukanova

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Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
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