Enrollment to Maqsut Narikbayev University opens new horizons by providing higher education and helping with career opportunities. Initial steps of admission to the University are passing the UNT, MNU entrance exams and submitting all of the necessary documents. Documents are submitted to the Admissions committee, an important structural unit of the University that helps applicants with admission issues.
The Admissions team provides up-to-date information on admission rules, deadlines for submitting documents and necessary entrance exams for a particular major. Maqsut Narikbayev University accepts applicants with general secondary, post-secondary, technical, vocational and higher education.
You can be admitted to MNU:
- on a basis of a state educational grant, at the expense of the Republican budget;
- on a paid basis, at the expense of self-funding or other sources;
- on a basis of MNU internal grants
Each year, the university holds an internal grants competition – the Republican MNU Maqsut Narikbayev Scholarship Olympiad. This is a great opportunity to use the internal resources of the university and obtain free education.
School graduates can apply from June 1 to August 25. To be admitted to the university, you need to have an UNT certificate (with a passing score), a high school diploma (grades 11/12) and the following documents:
- document on general secondary, technical and vocational (primary vocational or secondary vocational), post-secondary or higher (higher professional) education (original);
- 6 3×4 photos (online and original);
- medical certificate form 075-U (original);
- photofluorography (original);
- UNT certificate;
- electronic certificate of the awarding of an educational grant (if available);
- international certificate confirming English language proficiency (IELTS/TOEFL/Cambridge Exam/Duolingo);
- protocol of the Higher School Committee on enrollment on admission to the International School of Economics, MNU School of Law, International School of Journalism and School of Liberal Arts (if any);
- the original and a copy of the identity card, the original and a copy of the birth certificate (if the applicant is a minor);
- a copy of the registration certificate or military ID (for gentlemen);
- receipt for payment of a one-time non-recurring payment.
It is also worth noting an important point: to enroll in MNU educational programs, one of the mandatory conditions is to pass the KEPT (internal test for proficiency in Kazakh and Russian languages), as well as to have an international certificate of proficiency in English (IELTS/TOEFL/Cambridge Exam/Duolingo).
For Master’s and Doctoral programs applicants, there is a separate list of documents that are also submitted to the admissions committee.
List of documents for admission to Master’s degree programs:
- document on higher education (original);
- a copy of the identity document;
- 6 3×4 photos (online and original);
- medical certificate form 075-U (original);
- photofluorography (original);
- a copy of the certificate of Comprehensive Testing (CT);
- a receipt for the payment of a one-time non-recurring payment.
The doctoral program accepts candidates with a Master’s degree and at least one year of work experience who have completed the corresponding or related professional postgraduate education program of at least 120 ECTS. Applicants for doctoral programs must provide the following documents:
- justification of the planned dissertation research, agreed with the prospective domestic or foreign scientific consultant;
- a copy of the identity card;
- document of education (original);
- an international certificate confirming proficiency in a foreign language in accordance with the common-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency;
- list of scientific and methodological works (if available);
- 6 3×4 photos (original and online);
- medical certificate form 075-U (original);
- photofluorography (original);
- an individual personnel record sheet and a document confirming employment (if there is a work record);
- a receipt for the payment of a one-time non-recurring payment.

The Admissions team always provides a full-fledged advisory work. Admissions team consists of young professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the needs and desires of the younger generation. Thus, if an applicant is in doubt about the choice of an educational program, the staff of the admissions committee will help in choosing the major that is best for revealing the inner potential of the future professional. You can find out about the latest news of the Admissions committee on our official Instagram account @mnu.kz.
For more information about the requirements for admission to Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs, please contact the following numbers:
- for applicants to Bachelor’s degree programs:
Number: +7(700)-170-30-30
WhatsApp: +7(775)-578-40-10
- for applicants to Master’s and Doctoral programs:
WhatsApp: +7(702)-103-17-36
Email: admission@mnu.kz
Working hours of the Admissions Committee:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday – Sunday: 10:00 – 16:00