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Student's House

The Student's House is a space equipped with all the necessary amenities for your comfort. Our friendly DSA team is always ready to assist and provide guidance on additional opportunities available at the Student's House. Feel free to contact us using the numbers below to get the information you need.

Availability of places as of: 20.03.2025

Student's house - 0

Hostel - 0


Mon - Fri, from 09:00 to 18:00


+7 (717) 270-30-17, +7 (717) 270-30-29

The modern, well-developed infrastructure and comfortable conditions for studying, working, and recreational activities for both students and faculty make our environment even more enjoyable!

5.003 thousand sq.m.

Total area of ​​the dormitory

5 minutes.

The path from the Student House to the university


Beds for students

Students from socially vulnerable segments of society and orphans left without parental care are provided with accomodation in Student's House prior to everyone else.


We would like to explain in detail about place allocation in the MNU Student’s House:

The commission distributes places in the MNU Student’s House, taking into account the grounds and priority in the following order according to the Rules for the allocation of places in dormitories of higher and (or) postgraduate education organizations.



1) Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as youth citizens who lost or were left without parental care until adulthood, persons with a first or second group disability, persons with disabilities since childhood, children with disabilities;

2) Persons with a third-group disability, persons with one or both parents being disabled, persons receiving state social allowance on the occasion of loss of breadwinner, persons receiving state targeted social assistance, veterans equated in terms of benefits to veterans of the Second World War, persons from among rural youth enrolled in educational programmes determining the socio-economic development of the village, qandas, as well as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have served the prescribed term of fixed-term military service.

3) Students within the framework of the project ‘Mangilik el zhastary – industry!’ (‘Serpin – 2050’);

4) Students enrolled in the first year, possessing the sign ‘Altyn Belgi’, students who have a certificate of winner or prize-winner of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from the organization with honors with a confirming document on education (certificate, diploma);

5) Students accepted for training in the first year, having a high score on the results of the UNT or Complex testing, entrance examinations on subjects or in the form of testing, conducted by the educational organization.

6) Senior students with high results in academic, scientific and social work;

If the service recipient submits an incomplete set of documents, and (or) documents with expired validity period, the GPE refuses to accept the application.


Please attach all verifying documents upon submitting your application for accomodation:

  • – an ID document or an e-document from the digital document service (for identification);
  • – a document on the status of qandas or an e-document from the digital document service$
  • – death certificate of parent(s) (for orphans);
  • – certificate of disability in the form approved by Order of the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29 June 2023 No. 260 ;
  • – information on confirmation of the applicant’s (family’s) belonging to the recipients of state targeted social assistance in accordance with the order of the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 21, 2023 No. 227.


The cost of accommodation in the Student’s House per month is as follows:

  • 30 000 (thirty thousand) tenge (KZT).


The cost of accommodation in the Hostel per month is:  

  • 5, 4 bed accommodation – 30 000 tenge;
  • 3 bed accommodation – 35 000 tenge;
  • 2 bed accommodation – 40 000 tenge;
  • 1 bed accommodation – 50 000 tenge.



The Student's House is constantly improving living conditions, as well as prevention of delinquency.

The building is equipped with a modern video surveillance system; automatic fire alarms are installed in all living rooms and common areas.

Much attention is paid to ensuring a high level of student safety.

To maintain law and order, a security service operates around the clock in the Student's House. Access control at the entrance is provided.

Saltanat Mukasheva

Saltanat Mukasheva

Senior Manager for Student's House Living

Azizbek Abdiramanov

Azizbek Abdiramanov

Student's House Living Manager

Dilnaz Kanatova

Dilnaz Kanatova

Student's House Living Manager

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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