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Programme's School:
MNU Law School


The programme of Bachelor’s degree in Law has been developed taking into account the requirements of employers and is based on the State mandatory educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ECTS: 240 + 8

Duration: 4 years (on the basis of secondary education)
3 years (on the basis of secondary professional education)

Languages of instruction: Kazakh, Russian (some courses are offered in English)



A graduate of the Bachelor’s degree in Law must:

    • understand the fundamentals of the constitutional system, the structure, functions, and principles of activity of state bodies, the essence, character, and interaction of legal and governmental phenomena (LO 1);
    • comprehend the essence of law as a regulator of social relations, knowledge of the functions of law, the structure, and elements of the legal system, the regularities of the origin of the state, forms, and methods of performing the functions of the modern state (LO 2);
    • demonstrate skills in academic and business writing, the ability to distinguish writing styles, correctly drafting legal documents, and providing qualified oral consultations (in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages) (LO 3);
    • be able to apply the norms of substantive and procedural law to specific life situations, accurately qualify facts and circumstances from a legal perspective, possess skills in argumentation and legal analysis, and construct algorithms for solving cases and situational tasks (LO 4);
    • be aware of the possible consequences of one’s activities and the need to take responsibility for them(LO 5);
    • be proficient in the fundamentals of programming languages, effective communication techniques, and their application in practical activities, clear and precise communication with others(LO 6);
    • apply critical thinking and the ability to act independently in solving practical and legal problems, the ability to address complex legal issues both individually and in a group(LO 7);
    • apply the norms of international and national law to protect and secure the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities (LO 8);
    • be able to independently search, collect, and analyze legal and other information, including materials from judicial practice (LO 9);
    • understand сriminal and administrative procedures, civil law, and disciplinary procedures(LO 10);
    • demonstrate skills in the application of alternative dispute resolution methods and legal techniques (LO 11);
    • demonstrate knowledge and skills of applying the norms of English and German law, as well as the legislation of other foreign countries (LO 12);
    • be able to make decisions and carry out other legal actions in strict accordance with the law, showing respect for law and legislation, and being intolerant of corrupt behavior(LO 13).


Accreditation by professional associations:


The program is recommended by:

  • Chamber of Legal Consultants ‘Kazakhstan Bar Association’
  • Chamber of Legal Consultants of Astana

Program coordinator

Baymurat Sagidolla

Tel: +7(7172) 70 30 41

Mob.: +7(708) 744 13 92


Programme structure

The programme consists of 7 modules:


Module 1. General Education (GED, which includes the Liberal Arts special module) is a block consisting of general education disciplines that form general social competencies. Some of them act as prerequisites for the disciplines of the basic component. Studied in semesters 1 and 2 of the programme.


Module 2. Theory of Law (TL) – a block of disciplines of the basic component, within which the basic knowledge and skills of a bachelor in the field of legal studies related to general theoretical knowledge are formed, as well as initial analytical skills and skills of legal written argumentation (for example, the discipline “Technique of legal argumentation”, offered in the 3rd semester). Some components of the Theory and Research in Law area act as prerequisites for specialized blocks of the basic component in industry disciplines. The discipline “Theory of State and Law” as a mandatory prerequisite for all branch disciplines is studied in the first semester, and in the 7th semester students are offered a choice of the discipline “Problems of Theory of State and Law” as a prerequisite for master’s degree disciplines, since this course is aimed at developing skills to analyze and provide solutions when determining problems of legal reality.


Module 3. Public Law (PBL) – a block of disciplines of the basic and profiling component that form competencies in the field of public law disciplines. The components of the block are studied primarily in 2nd and 3rd semesters. They act as prerequisites for other industry disciplines. Thus, without studying constitutional law, it is impossible to study civil law, criminal law, procedural disciplines, etc. Likewise, administrative law should be ahead of the study of administrative procedural law. This is why the above courses are ahead of the study of other courses. This results in consistent execution of programme’s objectives.


Module 4. Private Law (PRL) – block of disciplines of the basic and profiling components that form the core competencies of a corporate lawyer. The substantive law components are studied over 7 semesters, beginning with the second semester. The components of procedural law are studied in semesters 5, 6, and 7. Thus, it is possible to trace the civic and commercial-legal orientation of the programme. The programme during all courses is full of private law disciplines, special courses aimed at developing the competence of a corporate (commercial) lawyer.


Module 5. Languages for Lawyers (LL) – block of disciplines of the basic component, forming language competences of a specialist. The courses are designed to develop legal thinking, professional conduct skills, and the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently by and through speech and text in legal dialogue. The components of the block are studied from semester 1 through semester 3. This exact unit develops the competencies of interlingual culture. This block consists of both compulsory (“English for Specific Purposes”) and elective disciplines (English for Specific Purposes, Business English, Toles Higher). The foreign and linguistic content of the program is disclosed through the components of the specified block.


Module 6. Criminal Law (CL) – a block of disciplines of the basic and profiling component that form the basic competencies of a human rights lawyer. The substantive law components are studied primarily in the 3rd and 4th semesters. The components of procedural law are studied in the 5th semester. As a result of the 2017 reform of educational programs, the criminal block has been reduced to the required minimum for a commercial lawyer and is presented only as mandatory courses for lawyers.


Module 7. The legal professions (LP) – a component suggested and periodically edited by, and in most cases provided by, employers. These disciplines form the core competencies for individual legal professions. Studied primarily in 6th and 7th semesters.


Minor in IT in Law (М-1)
Minor in English Law (М-2)
Minor in German Law (М-3)
Minor in Business and Law (М-4)
Apply for admission
Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
Председатель Правления АО «Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева»
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