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School of Liberal Arts

School of Liberal Arts is a place where socially significant professionals are raised: from linguists to translators, from HoReCa to counseling psychologists. Since the ability to communicate stands as one of the main success factors, School of Liberal Arts can become the foundation for achieving ones goals in humanitarian and other fields of activity in general.

01:03, 18.03.2025

From Altay to Atyrau: Over a Decade of Exploring Kazakhstan’s History in a New Format at MNU

Maqsut Narikbayev University places great emphasis on the spiritual and patriotic education of young people. A key component of this effort is its historical and cultural excursions, conducted since 2013 as part of the History of Kazakhstan course. This approach integrates theoretical study with hands-on experience—taking students beyond the classroom to visit significant historical sites, […]

01:02, 28.02.2025


Maqsut Narikbayev University (MNU) hosted the SenseAble International Conference, dedicated to advancing audio description—a key tool for ensuring media accessibility for blind and visually impaired individuals. The conference was organised by the MNU School of Liberal Arts in collaboration with the Gala Global Group, a leading translation company.  The SenseAble conference brought together renowned international […]

03:02, 06.02.2025


On February 6, an exciting guest lecture from Visit Shymkent was organised for students of the Tourism and Hospitality educational programmes. The event became not only an opportunity for students to immerse into the tourism industry, but also an important step in enhancing the relationship between the academic environment and the professional community. The main […]

12:12, 24.12.2024


 On November 28, 2024, the awards ceremony for the traditional photo essay competition named “Original Perspective” took place. This time, students presented photographs themed “A Journey Through the Eyes of a Student” and accompanied them with minimum five sentences descriptions. The criteria for evaluation included photo quality, thematic relevance, and the content of the description. […]


Creating and promoting a quality educational environment which meets the challenges and demands of the times, as well as developing value-based learning through the prism of respect and social responsibility and the formation of spiritual and moral principles through immersion in the native language and culture.


By 2025, we aim to become the leading liberal arts, language and certification centre in Central Asia providing language training and preparing social and humanitarian specialists correspondent to international standards.

Educational programmes


Maqsut Narikbayev University values analytical thinking, creativity, practical problem solving, and broad, new ideas that encourage the MNU community to serve the society.

Translation Studies


The programme is aimed at training specialists with skills in professional translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of the first and second foreign languages in different language environments, and skills in the use of computer-aided translation tools and translation memory (CAT tools).

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The programme is focused on providing essential skills and knowledge in management and business processes in the tourism industry, both nationally and globally. Students will gain practical experience in evaluating tourism projects, organising and managing cultural and business events, and developing operational and strategic plans in tourism-related projects.

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The Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology aims to train highly qualified and competitive specialists in organisational, social, cognitive and counselling psychology who are proficient in modern methods of psychological research, diagnosis and impact on individuals and groups as a whole.

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Bachelor's degree programme in Hospitality with a focus on hotel management and operations aims to develop a new generation of multilingual hospitality professionals who are aware of all aspects of hospitality standards. In addition, the programme aims to train industry leaders who are ready to work in the multicultural environment of the hospitality industry.

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Applied Linguistics


The aim of the Applied Linguistics programme is to train diversely developed specialist-linguists of a wide profile, with a profound knowledge of two foreign languages, possessing the methodology of sociological research, with an ability to apply modern approaches in teaching foreign languages, translation and interpretation, with skills of editing and media writing.

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Applied Linguistics


Training of a highly qualified expert linguist capable of applying in-depth knowledge of the English language system and corpus linguistics to conduct reliable analyses of spoken and written language and research in the field of applied linguistics, with skills in developing educational materials using modern methods and approaches in English language teaching.

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Counselling Psychology


The programme focuses on training qualified psychologists in scientific research, pedagogical and counselling activities.

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Translation Studies


The aim of the programme is to train specialists in the field of interpretation and audiovisual translation with skills in working with modern technologies to produce high quality simultaneous, consecutive translations and research skills in translation studies and other related fields.

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Academic mobility

Partner universities

Academic mobility involves studying students for an academic period at a foreign partner university. Participation in the program is a chance to gain experience studying at a foreign university and living abroad at the same time

Students who have completed at least 60 credits may participate in an academic mobility program. Competitive selection of applicants is conducted in two stages:

1st stage
Foreign language test
2nd stage
Interview with members of the competition committee.


Advisors office

The Office of Advisors of the School of Liberal Arts conducts organisational, methodological and consultative work during the entire period of study of students, represents the academic interests of students within the framework of the academic policy of the School of Liberal Arts and assists students in preparing and adjusting their individual study plan.

SLA advisors

Madina Mukanbednyarova
Head of the SLA Advisors Office
Оffice 238
+7 (7172) 70-30-30 (in. 1017)
Balzhan Kustubayeva
Оffice 238
+7 (7172) 70-30-30 (in. 1017)
Ulzhalgas Igembayeva
Оffice 238
Num.: +7 (7172) 70-30-30 (in. 1017)
Adel Baigarayeva
Оffice 238
+7 (7172) 70-30-30 (in. 1017)
Saltanat Assylbekova
Оffice 238
Erik Balmukhambetov
Оffice 238

Academic documents

Academic catalogue
Academic calendar
Academic policy
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral studies

Bachelor's degree

Holidays and weekends
January 1st
New Year
March 8th
International Women's Day
March 21-23
Nauryz holiday
May 1st
Unity Day of the people of Kazakhstan
May 7th
Defender of the Fatherland Day
May 9th
Victory day

Master's degree

Holidays and weekends
January 1st
New Year
March 8th
International Women's Day
March 21-23
May 1st
Unity Day of the people of Kazakhstan
May 7th
Defender of the Fatherland Day
May 9th
Victory day

Doctoral studies

Holidays and weekends
January 1st
New Year
March 8th
International Women's Day
March 21-23
May 1st
Unity Day of the people of Kazakhstan
May 7th
Defender of the Fatherland Day
May 9th
Victory day

Academic Quality Committee

The primary mission of the Academic Quality Committee is to oversee and address academic matters at Maqsut Narikbayev University. The Committee’s work focuses on monitoring the quality of general education programs and ensuring compliance with the university’s academic policies, standards, and regulations.

AQC’s main responsibilities include providing organizational, methodological, and informational oversight of the educational process to ensure that it meets the requirements of national educational standards. This includes evaluating curriculum effectiveness, verifying adherence to established academic guidelines, and supporting continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

Through these efforts, the AQC contributes to maintaining high standards of academic integrity and quality, aligning educational practices with both university and governmental requirements.

Elected representation

Assiya Alibekova
Chairperson of the Academic Quality Committee, Senior lecturer
Kristina Smotrina
Secretary, Senior Lecturer
Oxana Kachan
Senior Lecturer
Assem Seitkhadyrova
Senior lecturer
Kamilla Bekzhanova
Senior Lecturer
Samal Kalmet
Senior Lecturer
Axamal Issaliyeva
Teaching Professor
Vladislav Saiko
Senior Lecturer
Rabiga Mukatova
Teaching Professor
Zarema Serbaeva
Senior Lecturer
Yevgeniy Puzikov
Teaching Professor
Salima Simbayeva
Teaching professor
Dina Zholmakova
Senior Lecturer
Zhadra Amangeldinova
Senior lecturer
Moldir Berzhanova
Senior Lecturer
Aidana Apeissova
4th-year student of "Applied Linguistics" programme

Non-voting members of the committee

The committee includes several key members who participate as non-voting members:

Anar Ibrayeva, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Jamilya Bopurova, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Elena Tselenko, Head of the “Applied Linguistics” and “Translation Studies” educational programmes
Madina Lukpanova, Head of the “Tourism” and “Hospitality ” educational programmes
Anar Bukharova, Head of the educational program “Psychology”
Gulzat Alimbayeva, Coordinator of the Department of General Education Disciplines
Markhabat Ramazanova, Coordinator of the English Language Department

The Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is the executive and directive body for ethics of Maqsut Narikbayev University. The main goals of the Committee are to resolve conflicts related to violations of ethical standards within the framework of educational and scientific research activities and to implement ethics and the professional image of SLA.

Elected representation

Aray Rakisheva
Chairperson of the Ethics Committee, Teaching Professor
Indira Akylbayeva
Teaching Professor
Azhar Zekenova
Teaching Professor
Anna Pozdeyeva
Senior Lecturer
Dina Mukan
Senior Lecturer
Leila Baimysheva
Erik Balmukhambetov
Master’s degree student of “Translation Studies” educational program
Aida Nygmet
3d year student of "Applied Linguistics" educational program
Aisulu Bagaikyzy
3d year student of "Psychology" educational program

Non-voting members of the committee

The Committee includes several key members who participate as non-voting members:

Anar Ibrayeva, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Jamilya Bopurova, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Elena Tselenko, Head of the “Applied Linguistics” and “Translation Studies” educational programmes
Madina Lukpanova, Head of the “Tourism” and “Hospitality ” educational programmes
Anar Bukharova, Head of the educational program “Psychology”
Gulzat Alimbayeva, Coordinator of the Department of General Education Disciplines
Markhabat Ramazanova, Coordinator of the English Language Department


Research Committee

Mission and Key Responsibilities:

The Research Committee is the executive and decision-making body responsible for the school’s research activities. It consists of leading and young scientists recommended by the school from among the faculty and students. The composition of the Committee and its changes are approved by voting at a general school meeting of the faculty if a quorum of 2/3 is present. General management of the Committee’s activities is carried out by the Chairperson of the Committee, who is appointed by voting at a general school meeting.
The Research Committee performs the following functions:
– approval of rules and standards on issues of examination and support of research within SLA;
– development and approval of standards of research ethics;
– organization of scientific conferences, seminars and other scientific events.




Elected representation

Roza Sagitova
Chairperson of the Research Committee, Senior Lecturer
Aigerim Shaikheslyamova
Secretary of the Research Committee, Senior Lecturer
Aizat Zhaksykyk
Senior Lecturer
Aizhan Aikenova
Senior Lecturer
Angela Mukanova
Assyl Tuleubekov
Associate Professor
Elena Yemelyanova
Senior Lecturer
Inara Akhmetova
Senior Lecturer
Julia Babayeva
Senior Lecturer
Olga Bainova
Senior Lecturer
Zhanar Ashikbayeva
Assistant professor
Kristina Vesselskaya
Master student in Translation Studies

Non-voting members of the committee

The AQC includes several key members who participate as non-voting members:
Anar Ibrayeva, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Jamilya Bopurova, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Elena Tselenko, Head of the “Applied Linguistics” and “Translation Studies” educational programmes
Madina Lukpanova, Head of the “Tourism” and “Hospitality ” educational programmes
Anar Bukharova, Head of the educational program “Psychology”
Gulzat Alimbayeva, Coordinator of the Department of General Education Disciplines
Markhabat Ramazanova, Coordinator of the English Language Department

Нарикбаев Талгат Максутович
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