Сandidates for Academic Titles
- List of scientific works by Sandybayev Z. (docx)
- List of scientific works by Sandybayev Z. certified (pdf)
- Appendix 1 Reference about the candidate of the academic title Sandybayev Z. (docx)
- Appendix 1 Reference about the candidate of the academic title Sandybayev Z. (pdf)
- Appendix 2 List of publications in international peer-reviewed publishers Sandybayev Z. (docx)
- Appendix 2 List of publications in international peer-reviewed publishers Sandybayev Z. (pdf)
- List of scientific works by Khassenov M. (docx)
- List of scientific works by Khassenov M. certified (pdf)
- Appendix 1 Reference about the candidate of the academic title Khassenov M. (docx)
- Appendix 1 Reference about the candidate of the academic title Khassenov M. (pdf)
- Appendix 2 List of publications in international peer-reviewed publishers Khassenov M. (docx)
- Appendix 2 List of publications in international peer-reviewed publishers Khassenov M. (pdf)